Friday 1 July 2016

The School Ghost

I go to school in Cavite, I would choose to keep my school identity private. So, here's the story. I started schooling there when I was in the 5th grade. Of course, as a transferee, I sat there, quiet, just watching everyone. I heard that our school has a spooky history, some say it was a former salvage disposal, some say that our computer laboratory was once a bank and a hold up took place and a security guard died. I wasn't sure of those tales, but I chose to just find out myself.
In the nearly 4th grading, I gained lots of friends, I will call my best friend Saii (not her real name). Saii and I auditioned for the upcoming singing contest. We go home late most of time for our meetings and practices. The Gala night came. The contest was going to start at around 7:00 pm, where mostly, my classmates say that ghosts shows up those time. Saii and I dressed up in our classroom. Then we decided to roam around the campus while waiting for the contest to start.
We went back up to the 2nd floor (where our classroom was). We were roaming around the floor, and it was dark because all the lights are off, and all the classrooms are locked. Saii said that our own classroom has a ghost, too. You'll sometimes hear a girl crying in the corner of the room. I was staring at the classroom window from outside. When we passed the classroom, we truly saw right in the corner of our eyes, a chair moved. The sound was so heavy and we started to feel chills all over the area. We ran as fast as we can, only to know that the contest was getting started. I'll never forget that.

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