Friday 1 July 2016

Haunted Childhood Home: Doppelganger Type Entity

Location:Nevada United States
I lived and grew up in the same house from when I was two to seventeen years of age. I have had many experiences in this house that I absolutely believe to be paranormal. Previously, I believed that the experiences were caused by the fact that there was (and still is) a younger woman running a senior care centre from the house across the street. I would frequently see fire trucks and even coroner vans due to the ill health and death of those residents. My theory was that these seniors would pass away and wander around for a bit, stumbling across my house in the process. I thought this theory of mine was fairly reasonable. However, it is worth noting that I recently learned that the previous homeowners were affiliated with the mob. Whatever the reasoning may be, my parents and I have had our fair share of unexplainable encounters.
The house had three bedrooms: my room, my parents' room, and the computer room. My room was directly across from my parents' room, and the computer room was right next to my room. I really did not like the feeling of the computer room, and I would often run past it just so I didn't have to dwell in its presence longer than needed.
Ever since I was about 10 years old, I would hear typing in the computer room at night. I knew my parents were already in bed, but I would creep out of my room just to make sure it wasn't one of them. The computer room would be empty and dark every single time. The typing would always subside when I was in the doorway, and it would always continue the minute I went back to my room. It was certainly unnerving, but not compared to what I would face in the future. I would like to note that I did look into this matter logically. I tried to rule out any other sound the typing could have been, and I thought I found a solution when I heard my dad turn the page of a newspaper in his room. I thought that is what I'd been hearing all along and that I was just creeping myself out for no reason. However, when I experienced the typing noises when my dad was out of town, that explanation was ruled out for me. As I grew older, the computer room was a place I spent a lot of time in. Like any other teenager, I loved to be on the computer.
One afternoon, I was home alone. I was reading online about nothing in particular. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the shadow of a tall man with a top hat walk right past the computer room and disappear into my room. At this point, I had not visually seen anything paranormal in the house, so it was incredibly frightening to me. The room did not get colder and I did not feel any "good" or "bad" energy, but I am certain of what I saw. I continued with my reading and put it temporarily in the back of my mind. I was not aware of shadow ghosts at this point in time, so imagine my surprise when I stumbled across pictures and personal accounts of shadow ghosts online!
Another time, I was silly enough to read scary stories at night in the computer room. I was really enveloped in what I was reading, and I suddenly felt someone touch the back of my neck. I turned around to see absolutely nothing and no one, which sent my heart racing. The touch was cooler than the average human's, but it was not uncomfortably cold. That was the only time I had physically felt anything paranormal, and I am very thankful for that. It was also the last time I read scary stories at night in the computer room, as anyone might be able to guess.
The dining room of the house held two significant events over the years. I was lying on the couch watching TV one afternoon, and the remote fell off my stomach by itself. I certainly feel like that could have been, and probably was, gravity simple as that. It felt "off" to me, but I just let it go that afternoon. The reason for mentioning the remote is because my best friend was spending the night a few days later. It was dark outside, and we were sitting in the dining room talking. I told her about the remote falling off me, and something very strange happened. The handle for the blinds that opens/closes them literally flicked very hard against the blinds by itself. There was absolutely nothing that could have caused this. The air conditioning wasn't on, but would not be strong enough to do something like that anyway. It was not a tiny movement; it was a deliberate flick against the blinds. My best friend and I looked at each other with immensely wide eyes and agreed it would be best to go in another room.
For visual reference, the dining room was almost directly across from the living room, so much so that you could watch TV sitting at the dining room table if you were at the right end. Additionally, before I recall this part, I want to point out that the light switch for the dining room chandelier was like a knob where you could spin it to make different levels of bright and dim effects. Now that that's cleared up, my parents and I were sitting in living room watching A Perfect Storm. About a quarter of the way through the movie, the chandelier started to gradually get dim, brighter, and then turn off completely. All of us tried to ignore it, but it kept doing the same thing. It wasn't flickering, it was turning on, getting brighter, and then more dim, and so on until it went off. It kept turning on, changing to different levels of light, and then turning off. It was definitely creepy and all of us felt it. After a minute or so, my dad finally said, "Okay, whatever you are, we believe in you. Go away now." Even he sounded kind of unnerved, and that is saying a lot because he's 6'4" and an ex-football player; not to mention an incredibly practical person. The light antics kept going on for about 45 more seconds after my dad addressed whatever it was, and then they stopped completely.
When I was around 13 years old, I was sleeping in my room and woke up for a midnight pee. Obviously, I peed. The bathroom light was still on, and for whatever reason my eyes were drawn to the hallway. The hallway lead all the way to the end of the house where the garage was. At the end of the hallway by the door of the garage, I saw a misty white figure literally swaying back and forth. I wouldn't describe it as inhuman, but it wasn't really human either. I could make out arms and legs, but it was somewhat jagged. With each sway, the figure came closer and closer to me. I was scared to death and seriously thought I was hallucinating. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but the figure was still there and drawing even closer. I ran into my parent's room and slept on their floor that night.
The last thing I would like to share was indeed the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I have always slept with my room door open and my closet door shut. One night in my teens, my room door was open while I was sleeping. I believe it was around the middle of the night. I was sleeping very well, and I heard my mom whisper my name rather harshly.
I was facing the wall that night, and I was so tired that I just mumbled, "Hmm?" half-heartedly. However, she whispered again in the same, somewhat-urgent, tone.
I mumbled, "Hmmm?" again, but this time turned around to face her. My mother was standing in the open doorway to my room, just staring at me. She didn't say anything, just looked at me. One thing that was different about her was her eyes, which looked absolutely otherworldly and somewhat malevolent. Through her eyes, I knew it wasn't really her. She just stood there looking at me with eyes full of malice, and she literally disappeared.
My mother is alive and well.
I have never felt such fear in all the things I've experienced in that house. I really didn't know what to do, so I did all I could think of. I went under the covers and forced myself to sleep.
Even though I knew it was not her, I asked my mom the next morning if she went in my room the night before. She did not.
Thanks for reading my story. Everything in this account was what I personally experienced at that house, and I will be submitting another story of what my parents have experienced at that house separately. Everything is 100% true, and I would not waste my time or anyone else's time if it were not. Any comments are warmly welcomed and appreciated.

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