Friday 1 July 2016

Growing Up With Ghosts In Bothell, Wa.

Location:Washington United States
My parents bought the house I grew up in the mid or late eighties. It was a split level bulit in 1966, located in Bothell, Wa. According to my parents, when I was nine monthes old, I screamed at the top of my lungs. After my parents arrived to see what was wrong, they said I kept looking out the window at something, even though there was nothing at two stories up to be found.
When I was nine or so, I walked down the hallway to go the living room straight ahead, when a lady wearing all black from head to toe appeared and decided that's where she was headed too. I pressed myself up against the wall and watched silently as she walked by. She never made a sound either. She was wearing a black hat with a short veil covering her face, black dress, tights and heels.
And speaking of ghostly ladies, when my younger brother was little, he told us he saw a girl wearing a blue dress torn at the bottom float from either his room or the hallway and into the kictchen. He said she made never any sound either. He grabbed one of his toys to wack her with, while peeking around the corner with the widest eyes he'd ever had until that point, never saw her again.
While I was still young, during one night I saw what my parents told me was a "Rod", it was silent, floating back and forth, about the size of a thin, very, very short tube. It was white in color and floated near the ceiling, I watched it until I fell alseep.
I saw two shadow people once. The first time was when I was in the living room with my mom watching tv when I happened to look towards the the hallway and saw a the black shape of a man. No details only the shape, about averge height and slim. I looked away and then back, it was gone. The second time was in our basement. There were books piled everywhere, and the figure I saw ducked behind a chair with crates stacked on top of it. This figure was also all black with no details.
Another time, when my dad took my brother out for a while, my mom and I stayed home. A while after they had left, we heard car doors slam, footsteps coming up the porch, the metel grating and door being unlocked, and running up the stairs. We came towards the landing expecting to see my dad and brother home, but instead we found No one! The actual people came home later.
Once while my mom was sleeping on the couch in the living room, she felt a overwelming fear. When she turned around to face the room, she saw a lady standing by the couch, looking as real as a living person only she wasn't. She was dressed in a 60's house dress, complete with an apron, hands folded together, looking present with a smile on her face. And if you can understand this, she didn't see this lady like boom, here she is. She got a "picture message" for lack of a better word, from the ghost. She could never understand why she felt such fear from a ghost that looked nice.
And another time, my mom saw another ghost, this time a little boy and a dog walking up the steet during summer wearing winter weight clothes. She said the boy was really pale and she looked away for only 1 or 2 seconds, and he and the dog were gone.
When I was older and we were having a garage sale, my mom passed the basement which was open and she saw a girl wearing a white dress looking at the all the books, she thought nothing of it because she thought it was me until she found out I was no where near there at the time.
More recently, during the past year, I had the bathroom door open, and in the mirror in there you can see the living room. Well I saw what looked like a short black cloaked mass in front of the small couch, just there one second and gone the next. And I'm still not sure if I really saw this one or not because it was soo odd, a figure in the same mirror a fair distance from my own reflection. So no, it wasn't my reflection before you ask. The figure wasn't even human looking, save for the fact it had a head, two eyes and torso. The eyes were round and black, I can't recall if it had a mouth, the skin was brownish. The figure was flat, no depth at all. It also appeard and disappeard very fast, like in the bilnk of an eye, fast little buggers huh?

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