Friday 1 July 2016

Haunted Church

First of all I better let everyone know I'm from Sweden so I'm sorry in advance for any spelling errors.
This took place several years ago, I think I was 12 or 13, (I'm 22 now) and me and my family were in a town called Ramsberg in Sweden.
My dad was a gunfreak when I was little. He had a lot of them and he always went on competitions and such all over Sweden. But this particular time the competition were close to where we lived, so me, mum and my two brothers decided to tag along.
To kill some time we decided to visit a very old church in central town. When we walked up to the gate it was locked, and we got a bit frustrated since we really wanted to see it, we heard it was gorgeous inside with old paintings and all. Anyway, we walked to the back of the church and found a door leading to the church bathrooms. We walked in and found it was an inner door leading to the church. Of course, we went inside, even though the church was not open.
When we came inside, we found that we were all alone.
We stood in the aisle and looked around, when we suddenly heard footsteps leading up to the church balcony. At first we didn't notice, but suddenly my mum hushed us and said, "Listen!" Me and my brothers got quiet and just listened for a while, but after some time the footsteps faded away. We didn't bother at the time, thought it had a natural explanation. For some reason, we looked down at the glass doors at the end of the church, when we suddenly saw a black shadow grow behind it. It looked to the left, right and then straight to us. The shadow vanished in thin air, and then the doors started wiggling. Right after that a strong wind blew through the church, so strong I thought I'd fall over! Mum grabbed us by our hands and pulled us out of there.
Right at the time when it was happening, I wanted to stay and see more. But when we got out, my legs started shaking and I thought we couldn't get to the car fast enough.
I've been experiencing a lot more than this, but this is the most severe. I'd love to publish more, if anyone is interested!

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