Friday 1 July 2016

Presence In The Mirror

Location:United Kingdom
This happened around a month ago, at night in my room, and is the reason I have started believing in the presence of ghosts.
From a very young age, I felt there was always something weird about my room. I could never explain it, but I always felt that someone was watching me, like there was a presence in my room. There were times when it would get suddenly very cold, when I would shiver, but not from coldness. Ok it sounds a bit cliche, but it's the only way I can describe it. There were hours when I would be totally scared to go in, moments during the night when I would suddenly wake up, and stay rigid in my bed, scared to move until I feel physically forced to move. I pretty much got used to it, after a while.
But around a month ago when this was happening, I remember it was 3:45am, I had the usual experience of paranoia, when I was just going out the room I remember freezing on the spot. I heard a crackling noise. I had the sudden urge to look around in the mirror, it totally freaked me out as at first I didn't see anything. Then a shape appeared, turning into a human figure. It wasn't solid but it was definitely a human figure.
It was a girl, around 18 maybe 20 years old, wearing a white dress, flowers around her neck and her hair in a loose bun. It was weird because when I was looking at her I heard faint crying. I didn't see any tears as her face wasn't clear enough. I lost all track of time, but after a while the framed picture opposite the mirror fell from the hook and broke, and the vase fell on the floor and smashed. Of course when that happened I looked round, then when I looked back she was gone. I have seen her 4 times after that, she stays for longer each time, but doesn't get clearer in form. She's only smashed an object once, and that was it, but every time I see her she is still crying. I still get the same experience of a presence even when I don't see her.
I have a few thoughts about who she was. She was wearing a white dress and flowers, that makes me feel that she might have been a bridesmaid for a wedding, and she may have been sleeping in my room which is why she's in my mirror.
I wonder if I can ask advice at this point-do you think I should talk to her, find out why she's crying or how long she's been in there? Or do you think I haven't "known" her long enough? Any help would be appreciated.
Cheers for reading.

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