Friday 1 July 2016

Haunted House In Witbank

Location:South Africa
I finished nursing training, got married. Me and my husband at that time moved into a house in Witbank. (I say at that time because we were married for seven years then got divorced) We started a family. My son was born.
That house was creepy from the start. My husband is not sensitive for paranormal stuff. He couldn't feel the company I felt. When I walked down the passage I always turned around to see what was following me. Something was following me everywhere in that house and I was scared because this company I felt was very strong. I prayed a lot and I was very scared. Things attacked me at night by pinning me down and chocking me. A male voice called my name out one night it came loud from the foot end of our bed. I jumped over my husband to reach the light. He started to think I'm crazy because he couldn't hear anything and he was comfortable in the house. He was disturbed by nothing at all. I also started to think I'm crazy. I tried to ignore the situation but I couldn't because it was overwhelming me this presence in the house.
My son was born. He couldn't settle at night. He didn't cry but just couldn't sleep. He was awake almost all the time. I nursed him for stomach cramps and everything but something kept him awake. I moved his crib and I realized he was more relaxed on the other side of the room and we could at least sleep for the first time between feeding hours.
My son was two months old at the time we decided to get a watch dog. There were thugs in our yard one night when I got home from work and my husband was still at work. The next day he bought a beautiful Rottweiler male from the SPCA. We named him Blackjack. Blackjack couldn't settle at night either. He would all of a sudden start to bark at something we couldn't see and he would go wild for something in front of him and there would only be an empty space for whatever he is barking. I knew this dog saw something paranormal the way he was acting. I thought to myself, I'm not crazy after all.
One night I was stood in the kitchen busy making coffee for my husband and his friends that were outside working on a car. It was about seven o'clock at night. From where I was busy in the kitchen I could see the dining room and the passage that leads to the rest of the house. All of a sudden I saw him for the first time! He definitely came in from the front door running into the passage very fast as if he's running away for something. He was a thin one with a red long sleeve shirt on. The buttons were loose on the end of the sleeves. He had black tight fit trousers on with black pointer shoes. His hairstyle was short like army style and black. I could only see the back of his head. When I saw that it was mind over matter. I thought it could be a human but realized it's not. I was too scared to go after it. I called for my husband. He went into the house and said I'm crazy there is nobody.
I knew I was not crazy. I saw this thing it was enough for me to realize what I felt in that house is for real. I phoned my dad and he got someone from church to come and bless and cleanse the house. The man from church came and he said to me that there was a demonic force in the bedroom where we slept. The house settled for a while but started again after a view months. We luckily moved from that house. We stayed there for about a year.

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