Friday 1 July 2016

Ring Around My Room

Location: Colorado United States
This story is part my mother's experience and part mine. One day, I can't exactly remember when, all I know is that I was in high school and my mother was down stairs folding laundry in the room under mine. That room used to belong to my late Grandparents and after they died my little brother decided he wanted that room. So anyways there's mom folding laundry and she heard thumping coming from my room. She thought I was ditching school again... I was notorious for ditching class whether mom was home or not.
So she moved in to the next room which happens to be below her room and again she hears thumping like someone was jumping around like a maniac! Yet again she thought it was me being stupid. Lol, I know. So this goes on for what she told me was a good half hour. Finally I walked in the door and walked down stairs to ask my mom something. She said "Damn it Sarah! Stop ditching school! Your dad is going to kick your butt if he finds out!" I gave her a weird look and pointed to my backpack and said "Ma, where the hell did you think I was all day?" Then I started hearing the thumping in my room. I said "Ma, who is in my room?" She looked like she was going to just die! She told me what was happening.
I started sneaking up the stairs with a hockey stick thinking someone broke in. As I turned the corner to go up the second flight of stairs I heard little girls giggling. I stopped and kept listening and started hearing 'ring around the rosie'. Mom happen to have told the lady next door what was going on and she did some research and came back telling us that a little girl used to live in my house and that her and her friend both died in a car crash in the 70's. We still live in this house and I wish I could remember where that lady found this info. But as I have said in a previous story, there's not any shortage of odd happenings in this house. I will post more experiences later.

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