Friday 1 July 2016

Haunting In A Brand New Home

Location:Tennessee United States
These are occurrences that happened over the span of a year in a brand new home, and I would really like to get advice or opinions as to what was going on in this house.
It was the summer of 2005. My college roommate and I had just moved into a brand new, four bedroom home. We were bursting with excitement at the prospect of living in a completely new home, and all the fun that was going to be had there. The home was part of a new subdivision, so all the homes had been built within the last few months. Only half of the subdivision had been finished, to give you an idea of how new the place was. For the first few weeks everything was calm and relatively uneventful. There was nothing at all out of the ordinary. We were setting up the house, buying furniture (brand new as well), getting our cable set up etc.
After about a month and a half, things started getting strange. These occurrences were experienced by both my roommate and myself, as well as other people who visited our home. When walking up the steps, it felt as though somebody was following you, to the point where you would either feel compelled to turn around, or you would hurry up the steps. It was almost a menacing presence, I didn't get good vibes from it.
While sitting in the living room alone on my computer, I could always feel something watching me intently from the corner of the ceiling. It was always from the same particular spot--the upper corner of the room (as though somebody looking down at me). I would be working on a paper, and would just have to glance up every so often it was so intense. My roommate said the same thing happened with her.
Then the channels on the TV would start flipping and changing by themselves. I thought it was strange but chalked it up to something technical. One night, one of our friends was sleeping over, in the 3rd bedroom, and he reported that he saw the bunny ears (before digital TV) on top of the TV moving by themselves. Subtle stuff like this went on for weeks, but after awhile the occurrences started becoming more pronounced.
One day I was in bed reading a book, the TV was off, and nobody was in the house with me. I heard a loud crash in the kitchen, as if a pot or pan had fallen to the floor. As I went to investigate, everything was in its place. As my roommate was in bed one night, she heard the little butterfly pendent she had hanging on her doorknob tap against her door for a minute straight, in a steady, even tempo, like "tap...tap...tap..." as if somebody was doing it on purpose. She'd tried to duplicate it on her own, but it would tap the door once and stop. It was very light-weight, and the vent was nowhere near her door.
I was in the shower one day and a bottle of shampoo flew of the shower shelf as if it were being propelled by something, and hit me. Had it dropped it would have just fell by the drain (and that has never, ever happened before!). I would often times hear things in the bathroom get knocked to the floor while in other parts of the house.
One night, as I laid in bed trying to fall asleep, I was starting at the pattern on the wall made by the street light casting in through the blinds. All of a sudden, the pattern just disappeared, as if something had stepped in front of it (there was no tree in our front yard or any explanation as to what it could have been). Another time while in bed quietly watching TV (I was the only one in the house) I heard a loud "BANG" downstairs, and I rushed to see what it was. The door that lead to the garage was wide open, I was scared as hell and thought that somebody might have broken in, so I grabbed a large butcher knife out the kitchen and searched the whole home. There was nobody there, but I felt so uneasy that I left the house for the entire night.
One night shortly after Halloween, we had three friends over. We were all laughing and socializing when all of a sudden the doorbell rang. We all looked at each other with confusion for a second, as we didn't know who would be ringing at 11 pm. My friend was standing right next to the door at the time so he went and opened it. There was nobody there! We looked up and down the street, saw no kids or anybody walking or running away. There weren't even any school-aged kids living on our street at the time. We all just looked at each other in bewilderment.
The final straw for me was one night I came home from a party. I wasn't drunk or under the influence of anything. I was laying in bed, on the brink of unconsciousness, when all of a sudden I heard a loud "SHHHHHHH!" right next to my ear! I did not imagine this! It startled the hell out of me, and I had never felt so scared and threatened in my life! (I'd felt much safer in my old crime ridden neighborhood!) I turned on all the lights in the house and bolted out of there, and didn't come back until two days later! I moved out a few weeks later. Once I moved into a new apartment, the occurrences stopped.
One thing strange I noticed about the neighborhood was that there was always fog hovering off the ground at night, but once you left the subdivision it was gone. At a later date, my roommate sent me some photos she'd developed while living at the house, and there were orbs in every picture! At the time, I didn't know what orbs were, so I disregarded it as something wrong with the development of the film. I'd love to hear what you all think!

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