Friday 1 July 2016

Ghost In The Forest

Location:Washington United States
The other night I had my friend Mikel over again. It was around 11 PM when this happened.
Mike and I had gone outside because it was too hot in the house, and we have a forest area in the backyard. Mike left before me, and I was to follow him out a few minutes later.
I started walking outside and towards the forest. I usually look at the ground when I walk, but not this time because I needed to see where I was going. My paranoia got to me, and I expected Mike to be somewhere in the dark waiting to pounce on me and freak me out.
Halfway to the forest there's a little red barn that used to be a chicken coop. Once there, I called him and he seemed to be near the trees, so I didn't have to worry about him trying to scare me. I continued walking, and as I got near the edge of the forest I looked at the ground and happened to notice my shadow. Since I'm terrified of shadow people the sight of it made me a little uneasy.
As I looked up I saw something glowing and white about 10 feet away from me and assumed it was Mike, but it couldn't have been, because Mike had worn all black that night. Its "body" was blurred a little bit, and it was kind of hard to comprehend. I kept watching it, and it just kind of slowly floated into the forest.
After I saw it I called Mike again and he was in a completely different area than where I'd seen the thing, and he wasn't even IN the trees, just near the end of them but outside of them.
The figure I saw was about human sized, but it definitely WAS NOT human. I only say this because no one wearing all white was around, plus when it went into the trees it was not touching the ground at all.
I remember this experience clearly and know it was not my imagination playing tricks on me in the dark. It's never happened to me before where my mind makes me see things. The feeling I had when I saw this thing gave me the realization that this was real. I never FULLY believed in ghosts until I saw this, and I wasn't ready to believe that every story on here was true. Looks like I was wrong.
So now that there's a ghost out in my forest, can it get into my house and bother me? For me, that would be the scariest thing ever...

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