Friday 1 July 2016

Suicide Haunting

Location:Florida United States
When I was a small child I remember seeing my Grandmother often even after she passed away. These experiences actually lead me to develop a fear of being alone and an even worse fear of the dark. Over the years my fears have subsided and I haven't really had any problems the last three or four. That all changed July 16th of this year.
When I moved to Florida I quickly befriended a lady forty years my senior, Leslie. Leslie is a great woman who manages a rundown motel on the outskirts of town. From time to time she will have my husband, Joe and I do odd jobs around the old place. We have become very close to her, and would do anything for her. So when she called and asked us to come down we immediately got in our and car headed toward the motel. She explained that a young man had checked in the day before and that he wouldn't answer the room door. I didn't think much of it as the guests are known to leave without returning the keys. I left and went to work only to have my husband call a few hours later explaining that the young man had ended his life in that motel room. Of course I felt for that person and his family but still I didn't think much of it. I had never met the man and I'm not a very emotional person at all.
After a few days the police had cleared the scene so that it could be cleaned up. Leslie couldn't stand to do it, and she didn't have the five hundred dollars required to hire a professional crime scene cleaning crew. She reluctantly requested that Joseph and I clean the room for her. I do not like seeing things like that, however, Joe had recently gotten laid off and we could use the two hundred dollars she was offering. I figured that it would take us a few hours to do the job, a quick and easy couple hundred bucks. I have never been more wrong about something in my life!
When we arrived that morning the air was thick with a sadness. Leslie gave me another chance to back out of our deal but a deal is a deal and I decided to proceed. As I approached the dreaded room of 106 something told me to turn around get back in the car and get home as fast as I could. I was shaking, getting cold chills, and tears were running down my face. I swallowed my feelings and entered the room. From start to finish it only took 3 hours to do the job. But it did not end there.
A few days afterwards I was sitting on the couch searching the internet when I got the overwhelming feeling that I was being watched. I got up and fixed every curtain in the house. I know there was no way anyone could see me but the feeling persisted. Before I could even sit back down I heard someone faintly say Bbbillie? Stuttering the first letter. I was the only person home at the time. We only have one neighbor and he was gone as well. It made me so uncomfortable, to the point that I left the house.
That night as I laid down the feeling was back and much worse. I could hear my smaller dog, a 6 month old pug, growling which he seldom does so I raised up to see what was the matter and through the glass doors leading into the bathroom I could see a smokey shadow standing inside. I tried to dismiss it thinking that I was perhaps seeing things. A short time later I could smell the scent of vanilla cigars. I was disturbed to the point I made my husband walk around the house looking for intruders. I absolutely hate the smell of cigars so I knew that no one was smoking in my home. The smell was radiating from the bathroom/laundry room area but nothing was there and after awhile the scent disappeared and I was able to fall asleep.
For the next few days there were only little things like the TV being turned off and on, things being moved, hearing someone mumble in the next room. I had felt something touch the top of my head as I was washing my face, things that most people would dismiss. Nothing was really bad, except for the feeling of being watched. It was so bad that my fears all returned ten fold. I can't stand to be alone at all I leave every light in the house on. My husband was to the point that he thought I was becoming schizophrenic. Which really hurt because I knew these things were happening to me.
Well, that ended today when the biggest thing yet happened. We were sitting on the couch which is at the back of the living room beside the bedroom door and behind the rocking chair watching TV. The chair began rocking. Looking around we see that our two dogs are laying beside us so thinking that the cat had gotten inside of the chair we walked over to get her out. We soon realized the cat was not there. We were walking back to the couch when the bedroom door opened. Doors open sometimes because of drafts or leveling issues but this was different. It swung open so fast and hard that we knew someone had thrown it open. As we stood there startled and confused the washing machine that sits beside the bathroom door actually unplugged and moved about 5 feet from the wall in front of those doors it then turned around so that it was facing us about a 180 degree turn. My husband promptly put the washer back closed the door and we left the house.
We have only lived in this house for 4 months. Right after moving in we lost a baby, shortly after that I found a small child's hand prints on the inside windows of my car but other than that there were no ghostly activities. That is until we cleaned room 106. Now I am plagued by strange things. I Even have day-mares about a man that keeps saying "I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean it." I believe that the person I see is the same young man that committed suicide however I do not know for sure, as I have never actually seen him and can not find a picture of him anywhere.
I don't know what he wants or if he just got attached to us while we were in the room where he chose to end his life. All I know for sure is that this is not over yet...

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