Saturday 2 July 2016

My Uncle The Friendly Ghost

Location:Florida United States
Before I start, I want to tell everyone that this is a real story on what actually happened to me.
Well, I need to inform you of my great uncle. His name was H.C. He lived in my house, before I did, for 7 years. He died from heart failure in 1997, at the age of 62. His wife then moved to Arizona to be with their daughter. My father, mother, older sister and I moved in shortly after.
When I was about 9, I learned from my father, that my great uncle H.C died in the living room. I'm 15 now and I definitely know that his spirit is still here. I have had several 'feelings' while in this house. I've heard him walking around in my attic. He pokes me when I'm asleep to get me up. He opens and shuts random doors. I see him walking the hallway. He takes my stuff, and then puts it in the wrong place, making me think that I've lost something.
When I had a full sized bed, I once woke up with his ghost sleeping right next to me. I got a twin sized bed then, but that didn't stop him. He started to stand over me and watch me while I was asleep. So, I resorted to getting a bunk bed and sleeping on top to prevent both occurrences from happening again. I know that he is here.
My friends, who don't even know about this, have even reported the feeling of being watched. Several of them have even experienced him brushing past them as their walking through my hallway. Through all of this though, he's the nicest ghost I've ever encountered.
He talks to me when I'm alone or scared. Once, he even brought me a blanket when I was cold in the middle of a winter night. The door was locked when this happened and the key was in my room. My mom didn't even know I was cold enough to need the blanket. So, he takes care of me. I try to tell my mom and sister, but they think since I have a big imagination, that I'm just making this all up. My dad believes me though, because he's had similar experiences in the house when he lived here. My mom heard him pacing in the attic once while muttering to himself. My sister has seen him walk past the bathroom door on several occasions.
I just want to know if others have shared my similar experience with a friendly ghost.

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