Saturday 2 July 2016

My Haunted House Strange To Say The Least

Location:South Africa
The house all this activity takes place in is in, South Africa, Parow. This was the house I grew up in and I never grew up alone.
The first thing I noticed was the footsteps in the hall (I was around 10 years old). They were heavy like someone wearing boots and walking on a wood floor the thing was we had carpets. Underneath the carpet was wood but if you walk on it you can't hear the wood.
I brushed it off at first but it happened every night. I told my stepmother and father about it but they told me I have an over active imagination. I later told my stepsister and she didn't believe me either until she experienced it too.
We were in my room with the fan on. I told her to go turn it off it's getting cold. She stood up and turned it off (the knob is very stuborn by the way it takes a litle effort to turn it).
The moment she came back to sit on the bed the fan went on full blast. We stared at each other for 5 minutes before moving or speaking. I eventualy went to turn it off and it did not happen again. She never went into my room again though. The foot steps got louder through the years and it got closer to my room. Now, at the moment, it comes to in front of my door and turns around.
My first sighting I had was when I was fifteen, my sister called me to show me something on the internet I went trough my door and for some reason I looked left of me. I saw a little girl standing in the halway.
I can remember how she looked so perfectly it actually scares me. She had long brown hair tied back with a pony on top of her head like parents do with little girl's hair. She had an odd blue dress on, somewhat old looking and the freakiest part was she was holding a teddy bear in one hand.
Naturaly I screamed and ran for the room my sister was in. She came running out to ask what was wrong. I told her everything but she brused it off (again). The girl's face still haunts me so perfect yet so scary.
The second sighting was a shadow. My boyfriend and I were in my room chatting and we saw a shadow on the wall walking in the kithen. We thought someone had broke into the house, but when he went to look no one was there.
Overall the vibe in the house is awfull. When you walk into the house it feels like you are tresspassing. Five different friends told me that. My stepmother had a psychic friend. She came to visit, but stopped at the front door saying she would not go in, it does not want her to. What is that suposed to mean?
What I realy do not understand is nothing happened to my family when I was there, so every one thought I was crazy but as soon as I left (october 2010) things started to get out of hand in the house. My stepmother would hear people calling her name, her stuff would move from one place to another and she was once thrown with a hanger! My father was touched on his arm one night, he refused to sleep in that room again (my old room).
My step sister was pushed down on the bed more than once.
A Few months ago I went back to the house with my boyfriend to watch it for my parents were on vacation. It was about 12:30 in the night. We went to my room and I dozed off then I heard the foot steps. I did not tell my boyfriend the house was haunted. He heard it too and asked me what it was.
I prenteded not to hear it and told him to go to sleep. A few minutes later he asked me if I said something. I asked him what he heard, he told me someone said halo right infront of his face (I did not hear anything). Five minutes later he flew out of bed and started cursing. I was so suprised I did not ask him what was wrong. He looked at me and told me that something was trying to get on the bed, he could feel the pressure on the foot end of the bed (once again I did not feel anything). He was hysterical almost crying and refused to sleep in the house he said he did not feel welcome.
Why are the spirits in this house nasty to everyone but me? I don't undertand it. Please post what you think is wrong. Thanks for reading my long tale:D

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