Saturday 2 July 2016

She Thought It Was My Dad

Location:Pennsylvania United States
My house is the last house on earth that I would expect to be haunted. But this story makes me wonder. My grandmother told me that this happened about four years ago in 2007. It was only her and my baby brother, because she was babysitting him. I was at school along with my oldest brother, and my parents were at their jobs. Of course, newborns need to take naps. My grandmother was putting him to sleep in her room, and while she was putting him to sleep, she fell asleep too. After some time, she woke up. Realizing the baby hadn't been sleeping long enough, she closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. But then she heard something.
She heard her doorknob twist. She opened her eyes and looked up. Her door opened slowly and quietly, and then a man appeared. He had peeked in, without making a sound. My grandmother was sure it was my dad, so she wasn't scared or worried. She said the man didn't do anything, and he looked as if he was just checking up on them. Since she said he looked exactly like my dad, I'll give you a visual of what the spirit looked like. He had dark facial hair, and was wearing a cap my grandma said. He was tall, and was wearing a plain shirt that was green with jeans. He had a dark moustache and dark eyes. When his eyes and my grandmother's met, he slowly closed the door very quietly and left. My grandmother called him, because she wondered what my dad was doing home so early. No answer. Everything was silent. She didn't hear any footsteps. Everything was in its place, just like it had been when my grandmother and the baby went to sleep.
She came out of the room and called his name again. No answer. There was not one living soul in the living room, in the kitchen, or upstairs. My grandmother assumed he had come to pick something up for work and had just checked on them. She went back to her regular life. Later that day, my brother came home along with my mother I, and then my father came home. My grandmother asked him what he forgot from work, because it must have been important considering he drives about one or two hours to and from his job to get it from home. He said he never came home until now. My grandmother was very confused.
My grandmother loves to tell this story now. It is very interesting.
A very odd thing though, during that week my grandmother saw this ghost, my cousin had died. But, it was before my cousin had died during that week. I never met this cousin, but by looking at his pictures, he looked nothing like my dad which was what this ghost looked like. I don't know, maybe it was an angel or something. I've never seen this spirit anywhere else. Sometimes my grandmother asks if I've knocked on her door at night. She's asked this quite a few times. One time, she said while she was sleeping at night, she felt someone kiss her on the forehead late at night. She thought it was me. I was sleeping though at the time she described. She also said at night that she saw someone who was all white and was glowing outside her window, and was wearing a hat.
I never have seen ghost who looked like my dad in my house. Actually, none of my family members have seen ghosts. I don't plan on wanting to either LOL. Anyways, I hoped you all enjoyed this story.
Thanks for reading.

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