Monday 4 July 2016

The Story Of My Gift

Location:Connecticut United States
I've read many stories and felt the need to write a briefly about my life.
Since I was born in Ecuador, I've known, by stories from my grandparents, that my family has had close encounters with the other side. Stories that used to scare me as a child now make me feel happy and connected to my loved ones. My grandmother would see dead relatives and non relatives appear in our house late at night or at dawn. She was scared but came to peace with her gift. My mother also has experienced this gift, so have her sisters and brothers in many levels.
I never felt it as a child, some events made me closed to many things in my life, including this one. I understood my gift or "powers" when I was a teen and as a joke read cards (not tarot but the regular playing cards) to my friends. Suddenly what started as a joke started to come true, my mom caught on and would ask her friends to come over so I can tell them what was going to happen. Needless to say as a 14 year old, telling my mom's good friend her father and brother were going to die and having it happen exactly as I said it, was not my idea of fun.
Aside from the gift, we lived in a haunted house. We had always felt spirits around us, heard voices, etc, however, when we moved to this house (where previous owners had been devil worshipers and played with the Ouija board) things got out of control very soon. Needless to say this house was incredibly terrifying to everyone that set foot in it, strangely though, not for my family. We lived there for 4 years before selling it and traveling to the US but the memories we have will stay with us forever.
Recently I had a change in my gift. I had been "practicing" my gift always, reading cards to friends and family but out of the blue, while having some drinks with friends (was not drunk at all, had my first sip of beer) I looked back at the front door, we were all sitting in a circle talking, my husband who also a dormant gift looked at me and smiled. He said someone there? I nodded and we brushed it off.
Suddenly I felt sort of a switch in my head and looking at my friends (married couple) told them what they were thinking, doing, feeling and why. Told them about their passed lives and why they had the fears, fights and dreams in this life. I did not black out or anything, completely conscious but felt my hubby pinch me, looked at him and understood it was too much. They were both crying... Really crying. That was the start of me being able to tell anyone, even if it's only through a name or picture, a full description, passed, present and future as well as their previous lives.
I know this is a gift and take it as one, have fun with it and always control it. I don't like to see dead people so I've asked them to tell me whatever they want but don't make me see them. I can feel them and they feel me. No fear, no shame just thankful and having fun with this gift from God.

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