Saturday 2 July 2016

A Haunting At My Nan's

Location:United Kingdom
I've always been a lover of ghost's and hauntings and have had a few experiences with them myself, but the story I'm about to tell you has got to be the scariest experience I've had yet.
My friend Kirsty and I were at my nan's house while she was out at a friends and we decided to watch The Grudge. We were sat in the living room having a laugh and being frightened by the film when we heard a slight bang in the kitchen, we thought nothing of it at first and said it was probably our imaginations running away with us because of the film. We were so wrong.
Just a few minutes later we again heard the bang so this time went into the kitchen to investigate. Everything was as it were before and we were a little freaked out but again we shook it off. As we carried on watching the film, Kirsty heard slight knocking sound coming from the wall next to her. She asked me whether I could hear them but I couldn't and thought she was trying to scare me.
We decided to turn the film off as we were getting quite frightened when we again heard a bang in the kitchen. We went in and a magnet which had my name on was on the floor. We were quite startled by this so I put the magnet back on the fridge and we went back to watch some TV. Just seconds after we had sat down again we heard the same bang and as before we went in to find the same magnet on the floor. At this point I began to become quite frightened as there were two other magnets on the fridge with my sisters name and my cousins name on them. Why did mine keep coming off?
This happened another three times when I had finally had enough. The third time I went in alone and cursed whatever was making this happen. I then felt really cold and saw a dark shadow dart past me. As I began to run into the living room where my friend was the magnet fell off again but with a louder bang.
We had had enough and decided to go to my friends house. As we arrived there we saw my nan coming out of her friends house and we went over to tell her about the magnet not mentioning the knocking on the wall next to my friend. My nan told us that she believed her house is being haunted as she had a few experiences. My nan's friend then turned around a asked whether we heard knocking on the wall, My friend told them that she did but I didn't.
I don't like being in my nan's house on my own at night any more so I try to avoid it. Could you please try and help me figure out why my name only fell off?.

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