Tuesday 31 May 2016

College Dorm

I live in the dorms on campus at Eastern Michigan University, and, while strange things tend to happen to my roommate, I usually shrug them off. I was raised in a rather nontraditional, psychically-sensitive family, and was brought up to not fear the paranormal, but to respect it and still know how to protect myself from it using shields and simple incantations or rituals. This has always been more or less like second nature to me, and I've never felt truly threatened by any presences around me. Until recently.
Christmas break rolled around this year, and my roommate went home the day after her classes ended. I've slept alone in our room before, and I was leaving as well the next day, so it wasn't a big deal at all. When I went to bed that night, however, things felt somewhat different. I shrugged it off, figuring I was just overtired, and closed my eyes. As soon as I did, I got an exceedingly clear mental image of an older man standing a few feet away from my bed, glaring at me. This was disconcerting, but I just opened my eyes, counted a few sheep to get rid of the lingering image, and then tried once more to go to sleep. After all, it was probably just my imagination - I've seen similar mental images before, ranging from people I've never met in my life to elephants in tutus. Though this wasn't exactly a dancing pachyderm, it was hardly unusual.
But still, I couldn't sleep. I kept getting the feeling that there was something near the foot of my bed, standing in the doorway to my dorm room. This reminded me that I hadn't locked the door before laying down, so I reluctantly stood up to go lock it. I didn't want to walk through those few feet of space - it felt like there was something there that I didn't want anything to do with. I quickly locked up and dove back into bed, closing my eyes tightly. For several long moments, everything seemed okay again.
Several years ago, I began learning how to use my energy to gently influence things — pendulums for the most part, though on occasion, in crowded areas, I would use it to subtly keep people away from my personal space. I could form a barrier that would discourage people, on a subconscious level, from getting too close. I've always done this to some extent, when I was younger, but have only recently begun doing it on purpose. Learning how to do this has made me more aware of my aura, of the energy that surrounds me, and sometimes I can tell when someone is thinking very hard about me, just based off of the changes in my own energy.
I bring this up because I began to sense changes in my aura (I'm not a huge fan of this word, but it most clearly gets across my meaning). It felt like someone was playing with my energy, perhaps sucking it away. This has happened a time or two before, in my bedroom at home, but there, all I need to do is tell it rather forcefully to stop, and it does. I did that in my dorm room, and nothing happened. So I then put up that shield I've been using for so long, but still nothing happened. As I did this, I began to sense a sort of shape that went along with the bad feeling at the foot of my bed. Whatever it was, reminded me of the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park: it was non-human, and somewhat small, but still quite dangerous.
Finally I imagined a sort of energetic bomb going off, filling the room with bright white light, and the being seemed to vanish. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary so far now that we're back, but then again, it has only been two days. I'm hoping that whatever it was, it left for good.

Rest Home

This story is my first experience in becoming a ghost hunter. It was a cold night in February of this year. My brother-in-law tells me of a place he calls "Ashe Manor..." He tells me about how it used to be a nice rest home, but is abandoned now. He tells me about what happened when his girlfriend took him there to experience some 'paranormal activity' - a piano played when no one was touching it.
So, we go to this place and I start asking if there is a presence around that would like itself to be known and also asked other provoking questions too. We brought an old Ouija Board with us. We asked it who was haunting this building. The board gave us answers that we later found in file cabinets about a woman who died there named Betty Davis. She died of eating a bad fawn hamburger that made her very ill and supposedly killed her. We found her room, sat on her bed and talked with her through the board. She was friendly through the board.
After playing Ouija (I promise I don't use this anymore!) we were getting ready to leave because it was getting dark. Noises were here and there, but nothing really unusual other than the creaks of the walls and such... Until my husband says, "This place isn't haunted. Let's leave... We wasted our time." The moment he spoke the last word of that sentence, a loud bang on the wall happened right behind him. We all three heard it and I asked the presence if I could take a picture of it. The only picture that supports paranormal activity is a picture I took of my brother-in-law near Davis' bed. It looks like a woman looking at him through a purple cup.
We went back to this place once more. The place was wrecked. We figured it had been inhabited by people who party by the look of all the beer bottles around. The feeling at "Ashe Manor" this time was negative. We all felt the negative energy and decided to leave this place alone. I say, "To the next destination!"


In 1995, my wife my two kids and I were invited by some friends to spend a 3-day weekend one winter in Payson, Arizona in an old rustic cabin. The cabin was a few miles off the main highway and deep in a beautiful pine forest.
It was a beautiful cabin. It had a Moosehead over the fireplace, a bear head on another wall and a deer head trophy on another wall, and several other wildlife heads spread throughout the cabin. The cabin had a lot of Indian blankets covering the walls and furniture and a southwestern motif throughout the cabin. I thought they decorated it, but they said no.
The inside was built with pine logs from the walls to the pitched ceiling and had a large living room, small kitchen, one master bedroom, and a room to the back with bunks for kids, and a loft with a drop down ladder where you had to climb up into the loft.
They invited another couple to their cabin, and unfortunately, the couple had dibs to the kid's room because they got there before us. Our kids would sleep on the couch and the floor in the living room under the fire place. My wife and I would sleep in the loft.
The loft was a very small part of the cabin. It was a small crawl space just underneath the pitch of the roof in one corner on top of the cabin. It had two full sized thin mattresses on two very cheap spring metal fold up metal beds.
We all played Trivial Pursuit and partied that night until two in the morning. When we went to bed (buzzed), my wife and I were handed blankets and pillows and we climbed the latter into the loft.
The minute my wife and I went into the loft, I felt an energy. It was not a bad energy. It was just a sense that something was different. The loft's ceiling's wood was completely covered with cob webs. The lady that owned the place hollered up..."I know its dark up there, but if you want, you can light a candle... I said. "Yeah, give me a candle."
My wife and I slept on one of the fold out beds in the small corner of the loft with another empty bed shoved in the corner and a candle lit next to our bed on the floor. I tried to read a book. As I began reading my book and tried to go to sleep, I became concerned that my candle might catch the cobwebs on fire, and I put the candle out and went to sleep.
During the night as I slept, I kept hearing a sigh and whimpering. At first I thought it was my wife having a bad dream, and I nudged her, and went back to sleep. But as the night went on, I kept hearing this very sad quiet whimpering. I kept nudging my wife, and she would shove my hand away. As I tried going back to sleep over and over again through this whimpering, I finally realized the whimpering was not coming from my wife, but from the bed in the corner and next to our bed.
It was a very sad quiet whimper and also once in awhile a sad sigh. It was a sad sigh of a woman. Hhmmm...hhmmm...hhhmmm. All night long as I tried to sleep, and in my dreams, I kept hearing this very sad whimpering and sighing. Sometimes, my wife would shake me awake and say..."Knock it off!" Many times during the night as I slept, I would perk up to a sigh from the bed. I never heard a sheet ruffle or a creek from the bed, but all night, I heard a sigh and so many times a whimper.
I don't know how long it took, but I finally fell asleep, when my wife suddenly woke me and said: "It's time to get up." She nudged me a few times and said: "Get up!" I looked out the window at the top of our loft and the light out of our small window was so incredibly bright that I thought the sun had come up. The only difference was that it was an extremely bright glowing white light instead of a nice golden yellow beautiful morning sun that one would expect from the early morning sun. When I looked at my wife, she was sound asleep.
The next morning, I asked my wife about her waking me up, and she said..."Did you see that? I thought it was morning. Then it went away. It was not morning. It was the middle of the night, and I went back to sleep. Then she asked me: So you saw it too?" I said: "Yeah. I thought it was morning."
Later, when the other people that invited us there while we were having coffee asked how our night went, my wife told her about our weird light experience, and how I kept hearing crying and whimpering all night and couldn't sleep. My wife said she heard the sighing too. Then the lady who bought the cabin told us a story about a young Indian Girl named "White Dove." That fell in love with this white man, and he built this cabin for her, but it had to be a secret because he was married and could not marry her, but he built this cabin so they could be lovers. Naturally, she wanted more. But he could not give more. He was married. She committed suicide in this cabin he built for her when he went away to his real family.

Beautiful Ugly House

It was about 20 years ago my now ex-husband, daughter and I were looking for a place to live in San Angelo, TX. My then mother-in-law had a secretarial business and one day we had stopped in to say hello. She told us of one of her clients having a home a ways outside of town, that she wanted care-takers for; no rent or compensation except to live in the home and take care of the grounds. We were excited to take the opportunity. I mean, really, no rent, how great is that?
Upon arrival at the home, we were stunned at its grandeur. It was a newer, two storey, huge home set 30 miles outside of town on several acres. We went inside and found all the furnishings, dishes in the sink, and on the stove, clothes and filth everywhere. It looked as though the house had been occupied by a bunch of slobs, whom all left in a hurry. It was weird. We got busy cleaning everything upon move-in.
One morning I was alone in the house and I was cleaning the bar that separated the kitchen and dining area. As I reached for the other side of the counter with the cleanser, the wreath on the opposite side of the oak cabinet fell on my hand. I thought it odd, but got a step ladder and placed it back on the nail. I continued my cleaning, and it did it again. Right on my hand! This time, I went out to the garage and got the biggest nail I could find and a hammer. I got back up on the ladder and nailed through the wreath into the cabinet all the while nailing, saying out loud, "There you won't be coming down now." I put the ladder away and went back into the kitchen. It was only a moment later that I heard the wreath fall on the floor. I went around to the other side to look. There was straw from the wreath all over the nail; as if someone had jerked it off, hard. Chills immediately went up my body and I knew something was very wrong about this house. It was only the beginning of things to come.
One afternoon, after getting off work from my part-time job, I came home as usual, walking through the back door from the garage. There was a small bathroom just off to the right upon entry. Taking a few steps inside, the toilet in the bathroom started having water forcibly rush into its bowl. I thought it was strange that it would happen just as I walked in, but I shrugged it off and lifted the lid of the tank and pulling up the bulb, the water stopped. I turned and just walked away, and it did it again. I reached in again and lifted the bulb. It seemed to be fine. Then the bathroom in the hallway started doing it. I went into that bathroom, lifted the lid, and pulled up the bulb. Surprisingly, the water started rushing again, forcibly in the bowl only moments later. So I turned the water off to that toilet. I then turned on the faucet thinking there was pressure built up in the lines nothing. No sputtering, no pressure, no force... I thought it odd. As soon as I left that bathroom, the one in the bedroom started going. I walked in, and turned the water off on that toilet. Walking back through the house, I then heard the toilet upstairs... This was a problem. I hated going upstairs. It was scary. I don't mean weird, although it was that too, but I mean, frightening. Even just going up half way on the stairs, I would become overwhelmed with fear. I took a big gulp, and thought to myself, "It's trying to get me to come upstairs. It's a trap." I stood there for what seemed an eternity, but finally decided I was being stupid, and I needed to take care of it. As fast as my legs could take me, I ran up the stairs, into the bathroom and turned off the water. I thought my heart was going to burst. I barely opened eyes, and ran back down the stairs. I didn't want to see anything - I was afraid to look at anything but the floor, and I was happy that I made it back down to the kitchen. I again turned on the faucet to relieve any pressure nothing. Everything was fine. When my husband and daughter got home, I told my husband all about it. We agreed to call out plumber to check the lines.
The next evening, our plumber called us on the phone. He asked if we were going to be home that evening, that he wanted to come out and talk to us. I said yes. I looked at my husband and told him, "Oh, this can't be good. The plumber wants to come out in person and talk to us." When he arrived, he looked nervous. He was a large, middle aged, rugged looking man. We introduced ourselves and he started to talk.
"I just wanted you to know that there's nothing wrong with your plumbing. (We were relieved). But, there is something wrong with your house. (A long pause). I was working on your plumbing, and don't ask me why, but I got scared. I mean, REALLY scared. I heard voices, and noises, and yeah, I was scared. So I left. I went back into town and I got my dad to come back out with me. We're both plumbers. We looked all around your house. We saw no one. We both started checking things out again with the plumbing, and we both started hearing things. I'm sorry, but we left. We were both terrified. I just wanted to tell you, I think your house is evil, and please don't ever call me again. OK? Please. I'm sorry, but you need to know." We apologized to him, thanked him, and said good-bye. It never happened again. Well, not the plumbing part.
A few months later, my husband made plans with a friend to go deer hunting on the property. Unfortunately, my husband got called in to work, so we left his friend a note and securely taped it to the front door. (It was too early to call). Later that day, his friend came out and wanted to talk to us. He asked where my husband had been. We told him we had taped a note to the door. "There was no note." We opened the door, and sure enough, no note. Not even the tape that held it. The door was in a cove, so there was never any wind there, not to mention we had secured the note with duct tape. We looked around the grounds and the note was nowhere to be found.
Anyway, his friend said that when he got out of his truck to knock on the door, he heard voices, so he thought we were home. He knocked and rang the bell. He walked all around the house looking in the windows thinking we were home, or the TV was on, or possibly a radio, but he saw no one. Then he got scared. He explained he had never felt fear like that, so he immediately left. He asked that we never ask him to come out here again. "Your house is evil, or something. There's something wrong out here. Y'all need to leave it aint' safe. I got the distinct impression that I was in harm's way." Again we apologized and thanked him, and told him we couldn't leave because of our financial situation.
After he left, we decided to go for a walk in the pasture. It was such a nice day, so we did. We came up on the ridge on the way back to the house around dusk. All the lights upstairs in the house were on all of them. My husband and I started accusing each other of turning them all on. I told him, "You know I didn't do it. I HATE going upstairs. You must have done it." We knew our daughter didn't do it; she was too little to reach the switches. He was convinced that I had done it. We came back in the house, and he started up the stairs. I told him I wasn't about to go up there. He laughed at me and said "I'll do it. This is dumb."
Halfway up the stairs, all the lights upstairs, all at once, went out. My husband fell into the corner of the landing with a total look of fear on his face, "Jesus! They all went out! God Dammit, I'm not going up there." He ran back down rubbing the back of his neck saying, "Sh**! What the hell is going on in here? I just got the shiat scared out of me." I looked at him in disgust and said, "I told you so. I've been telling you for months this house is haunted." He now believed me.

We went into town, to his mom's. We asked her if something bad had happened out there at the house. She said, "Well, I know she was having drug parties, orgies and other parties to communicate with the dead. She was all into doing all kinds of wild things. Then she just left. She took her kids and said she couldn't live there anymore. It was quite sudden." "Communicate with the dead? Oh my God. She invited spirits into her home and did all kinds of evil crap out there. Great." I said. Now we knew.
Not long after that, we were all asleep. Our daughter slept with us the entire time we lived in that house. She said that there was a lady on fire in her room and every night around 2 or 3 in the morning, noises, all kinds of noises. So, she slept with us.
The bed in our room was massive. It was specially made for the enormous bedroom, so there was no problem for her to sleep with us. Anyway, we were all sleeping in on the weekend, and a fly kept bothering me. I swished it away several times and finally became frustrated and sat up. "Oh my God! Look at the bed!" My husband and daughter both sat up and gasped. The bed was COVERED in flies. So thick was the insect mass, that you couldn't even see the color of the bedspread. "Sh**!" We all jumped up. "I'll go get the bug spray", said my husband. "I'll get the fly swatter!" When we came back into the room, all the flies were gone. Not a trace. Not a fly anywhere. What was really weird was that none of the windows opened in that house, so how any flies could've gotten in was a mystery we never solved. We dismantled the bed and set up our own that had been in storage.
Not long after that, we had saved enough money to finally move out. I don't know who lived there after us. All I know is, whomever it was I hope God was there to help them.


I have always had sex in my dream from Childhood, I never took it serious. I have also gotten pregnant severally in my dreams. I always also had that paralyzing thing that happens to you in your sleep, when you can see your surroundings but can't move, as I grew older, I felt it could possibly be explained by a medical term for sleep disorders.
Recently, I became born again, and found out that several worships and dedication were made upon my soul after my birth, and that my umbilical cord had been buried under a spiritual tree in my Village. So I decide to go on a prayer to rebuke the incubi from my life. I started this morning, and after prayers, I went downstairs, and my gentle loving dog sees me and attacks me with so much ferocity. I was able to run away, and my brothers came down, and the dog was busy licking them and wagging its tail at them!
So I go to work, come back, believing that what happened in the morning was a mistake, and immediately the dog sees me, she and the remaining two dogs attack me again ferociously and give me several bites all over my body. My brothers come and rescue me, and the dogs are sweet to them once again.
Is it possible that they can see the incubi following me around? I prayed that he be sent out from me this morning.
It's a thirty day prayer and I am just on day one.


I was about sixteen years old at the time.
I don't remember the exact day or date that this took place on but I just know that it was in the evening.
My grandma was dropping me off at my house, where I was home alone that night. I think my mom was out of town or bowling that night, but I knew she was due back sometime that night and my two brothers were spending the night at my grandparents.
Anyways so my grandma dropped me off at home and she had one of my brothers with her, they left and I was in my room, which was on the higher level of the house. She commented on how they were going to a store before they drove the seven miles back to her house.
Some time later, about a half hour to an hour later I was sitting in my room when I heard movement and voices coming from downstairs. Thinking it was them stopping by after going to the store I ran downstairs but to my surprise no one was there. Shaking it off I walked back upstairs and continued to sit around in my room. I never went downstairs when I was home alone at this house.
About an hour or two later I heard footsteps downstairs again and muffled voices. Remembering what happened the last time I heard the footsteps and voices downstairs I walked over to the staircase and peeked down because I didn't want to freak myself out if no one was actually down there. From the staircase you can only see the doorway to the kitchen/dining room and part of the hallway.
I stood there for a minute or two just watching and waiting for someone (thinking it was possibly my mom back from wherever she was that night) but no one walked across the hall, my mom would usually always walk down the hall when she just got home. I shook it off again and just walked back into my room and sat in there until my mom got home.
I really don't know what happened that night but I know it wasn't floorboards creaking because the movements and voices were apparent.

Friends Farewell

few years ago, a childhood friend passed away. Lord have Mercy on his soul... I hadn't seen him for a few years prior to his death. He had moved away for work. He took a fall and died. Me and you could fall 100 times a day, get back up shake our selves off and carry on. But he was just unlucky. I didn't believe a thing until he was brought home. Very sad time.
Anyways, the night before the funeral I was in bed, now I will tell you I did smoke a joint just before this happened. So you can make up your own mind about it. I was lying in bed thinking about him, I was not asleep but I did have my eyes closed and all of a sudden I got this warm, calm feeling all over my body, I didn't know what it was at first but then (still with my eyes closed) I saw him, I couldn't speak for a moment but then everything came flooding out. And he just told me everything was alright, then he hugged me, I felt the most explosive feeling of love ever.
There is a window in my roof and my bed was under it, I opened my eyes and an orb just flew up and out the window. I lay in bed and cried for about an hour with mixed emotions, Sad because I'll never see him again, well maybe I will but it's going to be a long time, with the Grace of God! And happy because I know he got in... He's in a much better place than this one. And plus I was thinking did that just happen?

Bathroom Ghost

This event took place 4 years ago.
I was sleeping one night when I heard something coming from the hallway. It was dark, middle of winter, and I was half asleep, but I still knew what I was doing and what I saw that unforgettable night. I looked around and nothing was there, so since I was up I used the bathroom. I went back to sleep, but the mirror in the hallway started to glare for some reason. Then I saw an image of a woman! Just in case you're wondering, there was a little sun light outside, but it was still dark.
The image was plain white and she had blonde hair. I couldn't see her expression on her face. I don't know if she was mad, happy, or jealous. That's the part that scared me! An emotionless spirit that made noises! The noises that she made were hissing sounds. She was coming out of the mirror with ease. I always knew that a mirror can be a portal to a world that I can't say. (Closets are portals also)
She looked like she was floating and the air started to feel heavy. It was so heavy that I just fainted, but when I started to close my eyes she turned to the left of the hallway to go downstairs. I started to fall asleep heavenly.
Until this day, I still don't know if she was evil or not. I guess I will never know, because she doesn't haunt my grandmother's house anymore. Really, sad she was beautiful too and had no emotion at all! I guess she wanted me to fall asleep. But the mirror is gone! Thank god! So, no more spirits will bother me at night from that blasted mirror. I still don't know how she escaped from the world she was in. Isn't there a boundary that a spirit has to follow? Can anyone answer this?


 This story comes from a woman who lives with her daughter in Texas, USA. The free evaluation submission form read: Hearing noises in attic.  Scratches appearing on back of neck, hands, legs.  Woke up with bruises.  Seeing orbs of orange color with tentacles falling from it.  Lights flickering on off.  Cold chills for no apparent reason.  My daughter saw a black blob looking thing in her room.  My son was pushed by something unknown and unseen in the hallway coming out of the bedroom.  I went to turn down the radio in my living room and a scratch appeared on my hand of an upside down cross. A friend and I had come to my house after work and looking down the hall in my bedroom was a ray of orange light swooshing around for about 5 minutes or more.  Another incident upon me arriving home from the store, I saw a woman’s face look at me.  She had long hair had a white dinghy looking dress. ghost stairs I have felt on several occasions that someone or something gets into bed with me.  I saw a big dark shadow figure on the other side of the shower curtain in the front bathroom. My son was home alone and heard all the doors and cabinets opening and closing, at night and no one was here but him.  He tried calling me and my boyfriend’s cell phone at the time it was happening but our phones never rang.  Ugly arguments have happened where we have said things and done things we never would do or say.  It is like something or someone takes us over at times.


Ghosts from Under

This story is from a young family living in Australia. The free evaluation form read as follows: I’m a little freaked out in my house at the moment, there’s been a number of odd things happening which I cant seem to see why they’re happening. For example: hearing drawers opening when I’m home alone; the front door opening on its own when it’s locked and not windy; and, belts falling off the rack when they’ve been buckled on. Ghosts in the KitchenI get a tingly sensation on my shoulder when I’m in my kitchen cooking and when I’m home alone. The latest freaky moment is finding a spot of blood on my kitchen bench after I’ve cleaned it and had no one or nothing put on it, plus it won’t wipe off properly. I was just wondering if you could shed some light on what might be going on.

Irish Haunting

The following is from a young woman living in rural Ireland. The free evaluation form read:  I have been living in my current house for around 10 years, since I was 7 years old. The house is situated in the country side in Ireland around 4 km from our local town. Ever since I moved into the house with my mother and stepfather, I would be feeling/hearing things. Just to make things clear, I have always been a firm believer of  the supernatural and I’m a very sensitive person when it comes to the supernatural world. Starting off with one of the first things when I’d just moved in, I’d be laying in bed trying to fall Ghost watchingasleep in the dead darkness facing the wall and I would be hearing a faint whispering/breathing right in my ear. It literally felt that it was IN my ear. All I could do is lay in bed like a stone and not move an inch with my heart racing because of the fear I had. As I got older, lots of different things have occurred. Sometimes I would hear a sound that sounded somewhat like a pebble was being thrown at my bedroom door from the other side, feet shuffling under my bed, scratching coming from my closet, thumps in the attic above my room, and an extreme feeling that I was being watched all the time. When my cousin and friend started feeling/hearing/seeing the same things I have, I became a bit more sure that there is someone that’s uninvited. My friend and I would be home alone and we would hear a crazy loud shuffling sound coming from the bathroom near my room that would come out of nowhere. The other time he was having a smoke through my bedroom window and both of us saw this human-like white faint figure dart past the garden and we immediately closed the window and blinds.

Apart from all these little signs like hearing someone walking on the pebbles in my driveway at night, there was two things that really made my heart sink. The first thing was a woman-like voice shrieking outside near my window at night and I was lucky enough to have caught on tape. I have showed it to my mother and friends but they are unsure what to make of it. The second thing was when my 24 year old stepbrother and I were sitting in the kitchen at around 3am after watching TV. The next thing we hear is a concrete knock on our door. We quickly rush over to look outside the glass door, and yes of course, no one is there. It would be impossible for a person to run away this quick, without hearing any running on the stones in the driveway, or to get away from our door that had the light on outside without us seeing them.
My room has always been the coldest in the house, and always had that negative feeling. When I dream, its mostly grim and scary nightmares. Sometimes I open my eyes in the darkness and see a disfigured shadow person, just beside my face, but its hard to tell whether it is what it is or if its my eyes playing tricks on me. I feel like whatever is happening in my home is affecting my behavior. I would just get random days out of the blue when I’m completely depressed, real-peoplecan’t eat and have feelings of stepping away from life and the next day I would be completely fine. But when I am home my anger is constant,( more anger than happiness). I will respond to people in my home in an angry manner to the simplest questions. I really do feel like there is a lot of negativity in my house, especially in my room.

Bathroom Ghost

So I'm getting kind of freaked out with this. Let me give some background information first: we just renovated our bathroom and put a new bathtub and everything into the bathroom. Nothing has happened until we renovated the bathroom and some strange things have been happening. I'm getting Kind of scared to take showers at night because of the following:-
First whenever I take a shower (well not every time it happens) the lights seem to dim by themselves and then click off then come back on. At first I thought it was something with the wires when it happened then I opened the shower curtains and the lights clicked off like someone hit them off. (By the way there are 2 lights on in my bathroom because they are both dim and it makes it brighter.)
Second I was in the bathroom and only the lights were on brushing my hair when I heard a long labored breathing but nobody was at home. Also sometimes I can hear scratching that sounds like it's in my room (my room is right next to the bathroom mind you) but nothing is in my room when I go to look. It might just be a mouse or something in the wall, but our house doesn't have any mice.
Honestly it's starting to creep me out and that's all that really happened in the bathroom. All I want to know is what you think this could be; Explainable or non explainable.
Thank you for reading my story even if it was very short!


I was sitting in my grandma's bed. My grandpa had died 4 months before this. I switched my TV to another channel, and watched TV for a couple of minutes. After that, I looked at my bathroom door, and a grayish figure floated out of the bathroom, and into his room. I wasn't sure it was him. Later that year, my grandma was in her room, about to lay down, when she heard the doorbell ring. It was about 2:00 am and that was usually the time he came home from the bar. She just then realized she had closed the garage door before she left the living room and there was no doorbell on my front door. After 3 years of that happening, I was living with my grandma, my mom, my sister, and my dog, ozzie. For my grandma's birthday we got her a dog named Lexie. She was born on mother's day. She is very alike to my grandpa. It's very weird. She is the sweetest dog other than my other two, and my grandpa was the same way. I loved him a lot.
But you never know what's going on in the spiritual life...

Strange Man

These two incidents actually happened to my middle sister. My sister sat in the living room watching TV while everybody else had just left for work or school. It had been about an hour when my sister heard the back door open, someone wipe their feet and walk through the hallway and pass the open living room door. Now she didn't see who exactly it was, as she had carried on watching TV thinking it was my dad or granddad coming home for something. So she had seen someone pass in the corner of her eye. After a few minutes, she didn't hear anything so got up and went to the hallway to find out whoever it was and carried on down the hallway and out the front door. Both the doors were wide open. She couldn't see anyone on the street. And where I live it would be very difficult to escape without anyone hearing you. Now that could of been an attempted burglar!
Another time, a few days after, my sister had just gotten back from college and walked up to the door. Now she had a back door key but as she approached the front door (patterned glass door), she saw someone walk out the living room down the hallway and turn into the kitchen. While watching this, she had banged on the door thinking it was my dad. She shouted to let her in! After a while, nothing happened so she walked to the back door and let herself in, to find that there was NO ONE at all in the house! Now she checked all the doors and windows to see if they had been opened (burglar check) but they were all locked!
She swears both times that someone or something had been in our house!


When my friends moved into their first apartment, they didn't have a lot of furniture, but there was one item left there, a big couch. The thing about this couch was it was haunted, it sounds stupid but it was really a haunted couch. One problem was if you sat on this couch and let your legs hang over the side, you would feel this weird pressure like something tapping you, and then when you looked under, there was never anything there. Then, if you tried to set down something like a beer or a soda it would fall over every time. Plus, there were sometimes these really bizarre scratching noises coming from right under the couch and occasionally a bloodcurdling yowl that would scare anyone.
It got insanely creepy, and my poor friend jenny was sleeping next to the couch on the floor. What she said was that one night she heard really soft breathing coming from right near her head, and then when she looked over, she could see from under the couch these eyes staring right at her. That was when she finally convinced her boyfriend to get rid of the couch.
So jen called me and my other friend to come over and help move the couch, but when we were lifting it someone must have tripped because the couch moved, and something went thump onto the floor. We set it down to investigate, and saw lying there in almost perfect condition the corpse of an old cat with brown and white fur and a cropped tail, that's how perfect the body was we could even see the fur and everything. We buried it out in the yard and that was the end of it. It might not sound really scary but it was an ordeal for these people, because they had the couch for 5 whole months.

Hi Ghost

This didn't happen recently. It happened a couple of years back at close to mid night. I shared a room with my sister so I was happy when she said she was staying the night at my cousins. When she's not home, I like to stay up late and just watch movies and listen to my radio. I had just finished watching a movie and decided it was time to go to bed.
I went to the kitchen and got me something to drink. I was fine at the time but I couldn't get over the fact that it felt as if someone was following me. I was 12 at the time and I had heard about a incident where my brother had woke up and saw a man sitting in our chair in the living room. Everyone else was asleep. With me being kind of young I didn't believe it so I put the feeling aside. Since I'm the kind of person who has to hear things in order to go to sleep, I decided I wanted to adjust the radio to a station I liked.
As I was standing in front of my mirror, I heard a little girl behind me say "hi..." at that moment, I turned around and saw no one standing there. I was scared to death and I started to believe what my brother said. I went to bed but kept the light on all night.
The next day when my sister came home, I told her what had happened to me. She told me that the girl had also spoken to her but in the kitchen. To this day, I won't go to bed without a little light being on. I also have to have my radio on and a movie playing.

school Ghost

You always hear about kids who died in your school and you don't believe it. One day a boy told me that a girl named Leslee died in the gym on the stage. No one knows how. I didn't believe it, until I experienced my first ghost sighting.
My friends Alicia, Briana and I went on the stage at noon recess to practice for the talent show. Because we have a school singing group for us three. When on stage, we thought we should close the curtains, so no one could watch us. As Briana walked over to close it, IT STARTED TO GO ABOUT A REALLY LITTLE BIT BY ITSELF! Then the colored lights kept on switching on and of. We were way too scared to run of. "The story of Leslee must be true!" shouted Alicia. Then we went to hide behind all of these big mats. As we did, the lights went off. Then we peeked our heads to see what happened, the curtains were closed all the way now. We came out and Briana was crying. Alicia was breathing big, and I clanged onto my friends. Then one of the mats came over to fall on us. We shouted and ran.
We still go on the stage to practice, the day that happened was April 10, 2007. But we keep the curtains open. We try not to mess around with the ghost, or whatever it is, but we never run away when Leslee tries to pull another prank on us. Who knows she could be nice. But I am not taking any chances. She tried to hurt us. And that is nothing we asked for. Still Leslee creeps us out. We didn't tell any kids or teachers. Only our moms!
Remember if a ghost tries to hurt you, don't try to be scared. It gives the ghost more power.

Kates Room

I was staying at my grandparents place, which is where my Aunty and her two children also live. My Aunty was due to go into hospital the next day and had to have a large amount of laxatives to empty her bowels. So myself and another of my cousins were staying to help out with her two kids because my nan and pop were away at the time.
There are three rooms in the house, all closely located. My cousin Stephen was to sleep in his own room, further from where I was sleeping in my cousin Kate's room. Kate was going to sleep in my nan and pops room with my other cousin Rachael. My aunt was going to sleep on the couch as she didn't want to wake anyone getting up every 5 minutes to go to the loo.
Everyone was getting ready for bed and I was laying on Kate's bed, waiting for my aunt to turn out the light for me (I was like 11). As I lay there with my eyes closed, I could feel a pawing sensation at the end of my legs. They had several dogs and cats, I assumed it was just one of them, but when I looked up to see which one it was, there was nothing there. But I could still feel it!
Then my aunt came to the door and handed me their new little kitten to sleep with and turned out the light. I was a bit freaked out so I laid patting the cat who was staring up at the wall behind my head. The cat then flipped out and took off out of the room as the door was open. I looked up and felt strangely cold as it was still in summer and had been hot moments before.
Her bed was placed was next to a window and you could hear everything that was outside. I was still trying to sleep when I heard the sound of two men talking outside. At first, I thought it was someone walking past their yards fence, but realized that the language they were using was too formal to be anyone who lived in this town. I then looked outside to see who it was, but there was no one there. I could still hear the two men talking.
As I laid back down, my cousin Kate scared me because I was really freaked out now and could just make out her outline, as it was dark in the hall. I yelled at her and chased her out of the room, back into where she was sleeping and shut the door to that room. I laid back down on my bed and couldn't sleep. I could no longer hear the two men talking, but felt cold again. I was going to get up to go find another blanket and looked over towards the doorway where the light switch was next to. In the doorway, I could once again make out an outline of a little girl. I froze because I knew it couldn't be my cousin Kate, as the girl had much longer hair and was shorter than Kate. Also, the doors in my nan and pops house squeak quite loudly if they are opened or closed, and I had heard nothing so she couldn't have opened the door to come out again.
When I realized it wasn't Kate, I looked at the figure who had something that was gleaming in her hand. I thought it to be a long knife blade. The figure then slowly moved in towards me and ,as it did, I screamed as loudly as I could for my Aunty to come and closed my eyes.
My aunt came quickly and turned on the light, asking me what was wrong. I just ignored her and jumped out of the bed, ran into where my cousin Kate was sleeping and stopped. It definitely wasn't Kate because she was dead asleep.
Totally freaked out, I refused to sleep in the room and went into the kitchen at the other end of the house with my aunt while she had a smoke. She then needed to visit the loo again and left me standing there. I then noticed her dog sitting at my feet, so I bent down to pat it and, as I did, I felt the hand of someone rub my back. It was like they were reassuring me that I was okay. When I stood up no one was there.
To this day I will not sleep in that room, and Kate also had seen and heard things.

Haunted Laundry Room

This happened a couple of years ago. We had just moved into a new house, I was getting used to living in a different neighborhood and it wasn't really easy. One night, my parents weren't home so I invited my friend over. We were sitting in my room talking about boys when my friend said she had to go to the washroom. While she was in the washroom, I went downstairs to go get a snack for us to eat without telling her. As I went downstairs, she came out of the washroom and was stunned I was coming back upstairs, she asked "how did you leave so quickly when I was just talking to you?". I was shocked, I told her that I had been downstairs and I didn't even talk to her while she was in the bathroom. We both were freaked out and she told me the voice sounded exactly like mine.
That night, when my parents returned home, me and my friend were getting ready to go to bed. We fell asleep at around 1:30am. The next morning, I awoke and when my friend left to go home. I was walking up the stairs. I had this feeling as if someone was following me, I looked back and I saw this dark thing walking behind me, and, as it walked after me, its hood came out of more and more. I ran to my bedroom and locked the door.
I told my parents about what had happened, they really didn't believe me, so I asked my mom who had lived in this house before us and she told me that this lady and her kids had lived here . She had this worried look on her face. I asked her what had happened and in a light voice, she said the women who lived here before had committed suicide in our laundry room. I was terrified. Some time after that, I went to do my laundry when the door had slammed shut. I was scared to death, I quickly opened the door and ran out of the laundry room.
After that day, I never saw anything again until I had to take care of my baby cousin with my friend. We were playing with her in this spare room when she pointed up at the ceiling and started to cry uncontrollably. I ran and got my camera, when I took a picture of where she was pointing, I could see this white weird shaped thing. We were terrified. After that, I showed my parents the picture and they invited the priest to bless our house.
Ever since that day, I haven't seen a ghost.

Fathers Wife

My father always told me that ghosts did in fact exist but me, being one of the skeptics, I never fully believed but I would still spare a moment and listen to him tell the stories. My grandmother and my grandfather weren't together at that moment, and from her part, she tells me that there is an evil shadow in the house, the one my grandfather and she had build. The shadow would be there because of an accident with her wedding ring, the one thing that turned my grandfather against her.
The year was 1996, my mother, father and I went looking for my godparents and my dad wanted me to meet someone before our vacation came to an end. I can still remember the house and what it used to look like, it was a two-stories house and its color was blue, not a dark blue or light-blue, but rather like an awkward kind of blue, there was no sparkle in the house, not a single bright light entered the house, as if it had no life, no happiness, only sorrow.
As I got out of my dad's van, he told me the owner of the house was my grand papa, I really didn't thing much of it, I just wanted to see the house. But as I got closer to it, I suddenly felt a cold chill come upon me and as I drew nearer, I saw a shadow-like figure just standing in the back room, no face, no body, nothing, only a figure watching my every move. I turned around and ran towards my dad and I never looked back or went back again.
Later on, I found out that many also saw the figure, but not my grand papa, he was blinded with so much guilt he didn't care.

My cousine House

My cousin, Norma, and her husband just moved into their first home. I went over to help them unpack and clean up. The very first time I set foot into that place, I felt uncomfortable like all eyes staring at me. I told my cousin about this, she said I would feel better once they have unloaded the boxes and make the house feel cozier. She did say, "It's just a little empty in here that's all." I ignored that feeling and tried not to think about it. Several weeks went by, Norma called asking for my mom. After my mom got off the phone, mom said there had been an accident at Norma's and we had to go there right away.
When we got to Norma's, inside of her house was pitch black. I was very concerned when I didn't see their car in the driveway. My mom banged on the door, no one came to open. It wasn't like we lived far from her either - it's only a 10-minute drive. So mom and I went back home.
The next morning, mom called Norma. A woman's voice answered. My mom asked if this was Norma's house and if Norma was home. The woman said she's been living there for 15 years and asked if this was a joke. She also said there was no one by the name of Norma that lived in the house. My mom checked the telephone number again, it was indeed Norma's number. So I tried calling the same number, no one picked up. I tried a third time - the same woman picked up and said I got the wrong number.
A week later I ran into Norma at the supermarket. I asked if her mother in law moved in because whenever I called an old lady kept answering. Norma turned white in the face. She said she left to live with her mother in law about 2 weeks ago because her house was haunted. She told me about seeing an old lady walking around their house, whispering to herself then disappearing when Norma screamed.
She also said late at night, she'll hear the dishes banging or the water running as if someone was taking a shower. No one else lived there except her and her husband.
Norma hired movers to get her things out of the house and they live elsewhere but every time I drive pass that place, I get chills. Last I heard was that another couple moved in, then out right away and no one lived there since but some nights I'll see a light in the attic on when I drive pass.

It follows

As a young boy my family and I traveled frequently from Australia to New Zealand due to our Father's work commitments. One of the homes we rented was in Remuera, Auckland. At least six months into the lease, there was increased tension with my parents... Fighting constantly. One night the three of us kids were home alone playing hide and seek when we heard our parents knocking at the front door. My sister went to open the door but she couldn't. Some force was preventing him to enter. Dad thought we were tricking him and began screaming at us, threatening punishment. Hysterically Mum put her hand on the handle and the door opened instantly. From then on a long series of weekly events happened. Flowers pots turned upside down, objects disappeared, light switches turned on and off and more scarily fresh cuts would mysteriously appear on dad's forehead.
We ended the lease before it destroyed the family. I'm sure "IT" had followed us over the years as too many other unexplained things have happened.


I was lying in my bed, just the other night, and just put my 4 month old son down to sleep. I was lying on my back when all of a sudden I felt something jump onto my bed, not hard. It stopped there for a few seconds, then started to walk up my body, then paused, then walked back in the same footing.
The next night, I heard something falling onto my kitchen floor-it sounded like a ping pong ball. It awoke me from my sleep, like something trying to get my attention.
When I got up in the morning I went into the living room and then the kitchen, and I lifted one of the tops off my son's bottle, and dropped it, and that was the same noise I heard.
The 3rd night all the lights went down in my block, I just closed my eyes then 2mins later opened them, and I was in darkness, but before this happened my hall light was on.
My buildings have only been up 7 years, but before that, there were old flats. I'm so confused. These things keep happening throughout the middle of the night.
I was out for a meal the next day from the 1st event, and I was telling my family. My step mum said that these flats are haunted, and that her friend stayed here, but I don't know what to believe. My fiance has not had anything happen to him, but is open to hearing what I have to say.

House Encounters

My first memorable encounter with a ghost would be when I was about 9 or 10 years old. It was about 10pm and I was leaving my bedroom and on my way to my mother's room which was about 4 feet from mine. As I left the room, I looked down my hall to the left and saw something white standing there. It seemingly ran down the stairs... I was terrified so I ran into my mother's room, completely forgetting that my little cousin was with me. He too saw the ghost and had run back into my bedroom.
Since the ghost was only there for a few seconds, all I could make out was that it was a male... Probably a teenager or in his early 20's considering his height... He was wearing a sweater and had fairly tight slacks on. I've asked my parents about him since then and they say the previous owners had a son who was a "wana be thug" whose mom wasn't very nice. When I asked what the son looked like, they could never tell me. But ever since that day, I became more aware of a presence in the house.
Not too long afterwards, my cousin and I began to see things we had never seen in real life, only in movies. One night while lying in my mother's bed (she was at work), the chair sitting by her door began to violently rock. Since I was older, I tried to act calm and to make sure my cousin didn't begin to cry... But he got up and ran downstairs. I tried my best to ignore it and stay in the room.
A few minutes later, clothes in my mother's bathroom began to move... I thought to myself "maybe it's the air conditioning" because it was hanging in front of the vent... I guess to make it clear to me the clothes began to float in mid air. My eyes widened and before I knew it, I was downstairs curled up under my aunt. My cousin had already cried himself to sleep.
My aunt was on the phone and asked what I was afraid of... I couldn't tell her. So she figured it was just a scary TV show that bothered us.
She held that theory until one night while watching the house for my Mom, she was in the basement on the phone and she kept hearing noises as if someone were upstairs, walking around and closing doors. She would call, asking if it were my mother and the noises would stop and she'd get no response. So she continued to talk on the phone... But then she heard the footsteps again... So this time she went up to check. She says she went up the stairs and saw no one so she began to head back downstairs to the basement until she heard the creaking, only louder this time. It scared her badly so when my mother came home, she found her sitting in the car with the light on.
My father told me about a time he was waxing his car and saw the reflection of a blue orb behind him. He couldn't move or say anything but he watched the orb in the reflection of his car and says when it floated away he was able to move again.
My brother has said while sitting in his car in the front yard (where my father saw the orb), he felt as if something were breathing down his neck, he could even hear it.
The basement seems to be where the most activity exists... The feeling in the basement has been creeping people out since I was a child. Even first time visitors who know nothing of our experiences feel a mood change down there. One day while playing Nintendo 64, there was a plate sitting directly in the middle of a table that randomly fell and broke. My brother came down the stairs and yelled at us for not being careful, although, we were pretty much glued to the gaming system.
I can recall a time where I was leaving the basement and heard a voice that sounded like my brother's call me in a manner that he would. "Hey Kate" it said and I paused and realized that my brother had been moved out for years (he used to live in the basement). I ran upstairs and told my mom who said she was in her bathroom one day when she also heard my brother's voice call her in a manner he normally would. But like I said my brother has been out of the house for years.
Another incident would be that after my cousin and I realized we could feel a presence in the basement, we decided that we would stay down there alone one night. It went by pretty uneventful so we went to sleep around 1 am. When we woke up, my cousin complained about his stomach physically hurting. So he lifts his shirt and we see that he has cuts on his stomach. They were red and looked like something had been scratching him all night. We showed our family and they said "it's just imprints of the sheets". Trust me, imprints from sheets do not leave red marks and break the skin and my cousin who has the bad habit of biting his nails down to his nubs, could not have done it himself.
Other things that have happened since seeing the ghost in the hallway would include sleeping in my mother's room and through the vent, hearing what sounded like someone was pounding and trying to break the concrete in the basement. I would go to the stairs and not hear it... I even woke my mother one night and asked if she heard it and she listened for awhile and said no. My grandmother also spoke of hearing sounds like someone laying carpet on the stairs & hammering also. But I didn't hear it and no one else did. She has even said a few times while walking down the hallway, it would feel as if someone was rudely moving passed her and pressed her against the wall.
My parents said that as a child, I would play with this "person" and talk to them until one day I angrily said "LEAVE ME ALONE" and after that, I no longer talked aloud to seemingly nothing. While my folks have had strange things happen, I seem to be the main target in the house. I'll write about other experiences later.

A true Friend

I can still remember her name, Mary Grace. She became like an older sister to me in High school, she was 2 years older than I was but she always had my back. She was originally from the Philippines (this information, will come in handy later in the story). I remember for our secret Santa thing that we did she pulled my name and gave me this cute sanrio piggybank. It was one that would swing back and forth.
Anyhow, something very tragic happened to her. At her young age, she got pregnant and although we may never know the real reason why she did it we heard rumors that she was so afraid to tell her parents that she committed suicide and was found in her closet. Needless to say I was very sad and devastated.
Now for the more interesting part of this story. About a month after her passing, I was in my room all alone doing homework and I kept the piggy bank she gave me on my desk. I was in there for about 2 hours alone with the door closed and I didn't really notice anything weird. Then my boyfriend came over to help me and so we were both in my room at my desk. He was sitting to my right and we were both looking at my math book, which was also on my right. The binder that I was doing my work on was on my left. I distinctly remember that the last problem I was working on was #26.
We were working on the problem for about 2-3 minutes and when we got the answer I was about to write the number 27, but froze in place. I stared at the paper, because there it was the number 27 written. I was like " I did not write that" and I knew for sure my boyfriend couldn't have done it because he was on my right side like I said and we were both working on the math question. But the most interesting thing about it is that it was written at an angle as if someone had written it in over my shoulder. I didn't say anything to my boyfriend for about a minute because I was just wondering how the hell did that get there.
I then finally asked him if he wrote it and he was like of course not and anyway how could he. We then felt the coldest chill in the room, no wind because the door and window was closed; just the coldest chill came over where we were sitting. I swear the piggybank she gave me started swinging back and forth. That would only happen if someone pushes it, we looked at each other without making a big fuss, stood up gathered the books and walked down stairs. The cold chill followed only me downstairs. It's like I had a blanket of cold air around my body.
We started discussing that number that was written in and then I just had the idea to check over all the other work that I have been doing while I was alone. And for sure to my amazement there were many more numbers and things that you could distinctly tell weren't my handwriting. I would see my handwriting and then all of sudden it changes to a different type of writing and this continued through the several pages of math problems that I did.
The most chicken skin thing was that I normally write my number 7 just as you see it there, but it is really common for people from the Philippines to write the number 7 with a line in the middle. I hope you all know what I mean it kind of looks like a backwards F. And I have never ever in my entire life to this day write my 7 with the line. But there it was in plain site at the point where the handwriting changes and if there was a 7 in the problem it was written with a line through it. We just stared at the papers in amazement.
The thing is I was never really good in math and I was surprised myself that I went through like 10 pages of work with no complications. I didn't notice while I was doing it, not until we were looking over the papers, that she was helping me through it all that time. I smiled and said " Thank you" a couple seconds later the cold chill went away. I still have the piggybank somewhere.
I wish I still had that math homework, as a reminder that a true friend is always there no matter what.

Campus Ghost

 I go to school. It's like a college were there is a maximum of 300 to 400 students that go here. There are two dorms, one for the girls and one for the guys. The campus I go to used to be an old bible college. There have been occurrences of hauntings in some buildings here on campus in St Paul-I don't know the story on this place but I have seen a man in my room sitting in the corner just staring at me. This happened every so often.
There is also a building that the school which isn't used except for storage. There has been a history there that no one can seem to figure out. One night I was smoking and I was next to that building. I saw a man that was hanging by his feet I was not the only one who saw him.
After about a minute he vanished and was not seen the rest of the night although I have seen at least two more ghosts in that building: a woman in white with brown hair that just stared out the window-she was seen more than the man's ghost. That was freaky.
A couple nights later I was walking past the building when all the lights were on in the building but no one was in there. Then I noticed a little girl staring in the window from the 3rd floor but what was even creepier was that she disappeared after a man had stood behind her. She never showed her face again after that time...
There have been happenings on campus that are pretty freaky like I had a glass vase in my room and my room was freezing cold and it was spring. I set it on my windowsill and at 3:40am it flew off the windowsill and onto the floor shattered everywhere. I still ask myself why that happened but I told myself that I will never go near that building again.
I experienced a ghost in my room last night staring at me. When I opened my eyes it sat there for a brief minute and it disappeared. That is my story.


I was nearly 13 when my granddad passed on after being sick for nearly a year. I hadn't seen him in about 3 years before then, as us grandchildren always made turns to go visit our grandparents as they lived far away at the coast, Cape Town.
My granddad and I had always been close-he was a teacher by occupation but he would take time to make wooden toys for us kids. There are three girls in my family, but he made very special ones for me-little wooden dinosaurs that I played with for years and now I have inherited (now I'm 22 come Halloween).
Anyway, back to the story. A couple of months after his death, somewhere in September/October, I went to bed early and I remember waking up really early the next morning with the feeling that someone was sitting at the edge of my bed looking down on me. But when I sat up and looked, there was no one there and as my light was on the other side of the room I did not have the guts to get up and put it on, as I had always been terrified of the dark.
But though I was scared of the dark I wasn't scared of this 'thing' sitting at the foot of my bed. I personally believe it was my granddad saying goodbye to me one last time before I went to high school and to wish me luck, as he had always helped me with my struggling math issues.

Grandmothers House

Im 25 years old now, but I remember growing up in my grandma's house in old Ewa Beach. It was a typical 3bedroom house until they renovated it and it turned into a duplex house with 10 room, 2 living rooms, 2 kitchens, 3 1/2 baths (go figure) we lived there for about 13-14 years. I guess we should have already known when we were moving in there was a big sign I guess from the previous owners saying " Beware of this house".
I was like 5-6 when we moved in and never really noticed anything. That was until we started to remodel the house and that's when things got creepy.
The first experience I can remember, I was about 9 years old and my little cousin was about 3-4, the whole family was in the living room watching TV it was about 9:30pm and my little cousin started whining and wanting to go outside and we were all like it's too late already, but he kept insisting he wanted to go outside and play and we were like no. Then he goes please! I want to play with the man and he pointed at the window. Someone got up and shut the window and just told him, nobody is there but he just insisted.
During the renovating process my grandmother experienced something too. She was in the partially finished house and sweeping up the debris. When she heard footsteps coming down the stairs when she looked up she saw a tall over 6ft person with no shirt walking down, I guess she didn't have time to see the face cause she ran out of the house where the workers were having lunch and asked if anyone was still working upstairs and they said no and besides they didn't have anyone that tall.
When the new addition was finally completed I moved into the new area with my grandma and aunty then. My dad, uncle and brother lived in the older side which was remodeled too. That's when I started to notice more and more things happening. Little things like things missing here and there and all of a sudden just turning up. I would be home alone and watching TV in the living room and would see a small shadow just dart from the stairs to the kitchen and back. Which is funny because the things usually missing is my grandmas jewelry and forks and spoons (We said it was menehunes and I think they like shiny things)
But my grandma would rage and start yelling about her jewelry missing and we would tell her to calm down and just ask for it back nicely and for sure about 1-2 hours later it would appear in her room, just lying there in plain sight.
That's not all though. My grandma's room was upstairs; well more like it was her storage room where she kept her things. The thing that creeped me out all the time was when I would go upstairs and that storage room was right next to the top of the stairs and my grandmas door knob would start turning and the door would shake violently like someone was trying to get out. At first I would be so scared and run down the stairs but after a while because it was a regular occurrence I would just say out loud" Can you please stop that cause it's scaring me and it would stop. It became like nothing after a while
So we thought it was the machines or something like that, until my brother mentioned that when he would be sleeping in his room a little boy would wake him up in the middle of the night and want to play with him.
So might have been the same little boy trying to get out of the room, who knows. Another creepy thing was one day a family was standing in front of our house and we were like what the heck are they looking at. So my brother asked the man and he said "Oh I use to live here when I was a kid and I wanted to bring my family to see it", then he tells my brother strange things happen here yeah!
A lot of strange things happened there over the years, but actually they were friendly and never did cause any harm to us. But I did save the best for last. While still living at grandmas house my brother's best friend passed away in a freak accident. This best friend used to frequent our house more like everyday the scary thing about this was that on the night he passed he was trying to call my brother cause he said he needed help, but my brother wasn't home and cell phones weren't in use much so we couldn't get in contact with him.
My brother felt guilty, but what could he have done. He didn't know. Any how, couple days after his passing I was home alone and I was needing to go the rest room. Since it's a duplex house there is a door that separates one side from the other and it's usually open cause were all family anyway. And directly across that door is the restroom and when you walk in there's a big mirror so of course when you walk in you can see the other side in the reflection. Right when I walked in and turned the light on. I saw my brother's friend walking towards my brother's room in the reflection. I froze for about 5seconds and watched him walk, I didn't wait until he got there I ran out of the house and waited for someone to get home. Needless to say I forgot I had to go bathroom.
Although, my grandparents sold the house about 6-7 years ago we still pass by every once in a while to look at it, I love that house cause I grew up there. I still wish to by it back someday and maybe I can cause the last I hear the people that bought it are selling it. I wonder why. Thanks for posting this story and I enjoy reading the others.

Witchcraft Book

 We decided to move in with my aunt, my mom's sister. She lived in what was once a rest home for the elderly. She was a wild person, she liked to drink and spend most of her nights out on the town. She had 10 kids and them, myself, and my family lived in her house. (she rented real cheap).
One night my mom, my aunt and my other aunt went to the bar, and left us home with my cousin who was 18 and able to baby sit all of us, we were watching a scary movie on t.v. (We loved to be scared) it was getting late and our babysitter told us to go upstairs to bed, after the movie everyone was afraid to move, but we had to do what we were told. So one by one we marched up the stairs we had to go by the bathroom that was at the top of the stairs, everyone said they would see things in there, but I was yet to see anything. One of my cousins said they say a pair of glowing red eyes, and another one of my cousins said they say a older lady with really long thin hair standing in the door way.
Anyway, there were five bedrooms upstairs, and two bedrooms downstairs, that is where my mom, and my aunt slept. Two of my cousins and myself weren't able to go to sleep right when we got in bed, so we decided to talk about things from the past, like the trailer I used to live in, and the old farm house they use to live in. We both have had so creepy experiences.
When we were getting ready to doze off, we heard someone screaming, not for sure what was being said, but it was really loud. We decided to get up and go downstairs to investigate, as soon as we got half way down the stairs we looked over the railing and saw four little old ladies sitting on the couch, they had night gowns on, and they were facing toward the t.v. The weird thing is, is that my cousin who was baby sitting was sleeping on the couch waiting for our moms to get home. She was sleeping on her stomach, and I guess she didn't feel them on her.
We were scared out of our minds, we started to run back up stairs, and the bathroom light was flickering on and off, and the old lady with the thin long hair was standing in the bathroom door. My cousins that were with me were the same age as me, started to cry, we felt stuck, couldn't go down stairs because of the old ladies, and couldn't go back to our room because of the other old lady in the doorway. I didn't know what to do, I grab one of my cousins hands and shut my eyes and ran for the bedroom. My other cousin was still on the stairs screaming at this point, my cousin who was watching us came flying up the stairs asking my other cousin what was wrong, she proceeded to tell her, well by that time there was no one anywhere and she didn't believe us.
That's about the time my mom and my aunts came back, they were verbally fighting, one of my aunts had a cross necklace around her neck, and when she started fighting louder with my mom and other aunt, the cross necklace fell off her neck still clasped, and her eyes started rolling back in her head.
My aunt grabbed her right before she feel on the floor, and my aunt that lost the cross on her neck started speaking I guess you could say devilish words such as your a "whore", I'm going to kill you, let me go, but in a tone that was not her own. My family didn't know what to do, so they just let her lay there until she came out of what ever she was in.
At the same time all of this stuff was happening, the fire place went up in flames, and it didn't even work. Things started flying off the walls, and the shelves, it felt like the house was shaking from the inside.
About 10 minutes later my aunt got up off the floor and asked what happened, no one said anything. No on really knew. She got up and went to her bedroom as did everyone else and decided as long as nothing else happened we would discuss everything in the morning. We (my cousins) got up when we saw light outside, no one slept, went downstairs to see what was going on, and sitting on the top of the garbage can was a "witch craft book", no one touched it, and when my aunt got up and came into the kitchen, she wouldn't talk about what happened the night before. She told us never to talk about it, and never bring it up again.
That was just one incident of the rest home, there are a few more things I will tell you later. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.

Monday 30 May 2016


After posting my other story, I did research on the house. The history is not good at all. Later I was thinking about it when this strange light came on in my room. I got freaked out. In my mind I said "Show your self".
Well... It did. It was a little girl. She started giggling then this burst of light exploded in my room. I called my friend and told her about it. She was freaked out about it. I told my parents (my mom really) but she ignored me.
I came back in my room and there was a man sitting my desk chair. I froze. Then it got up and walked past me. It felt like a cold gust of wind blew past me. I walked over to my chair and it was also freezing cold. I thought I was just tired but it was only one in the afternoon.
I decided I would go back to playing World of War craft. But when I did the man appeared again and he looked angry to me. He ran over to the chair (by that time I was out of the room) and sat back down. When I went back in, he was gone.
Later in the night I heard someone calling "Mommy, mommy! Where are you?" I sat up in bed and my hair stood up on the back of my neck. I looked at the time and it was around 12m (midnight). I heard it again but then it started crying.
Being stupid I said in my mind "What's wrong?" Then the voice said "I can't find mommy... Can you help me?" I said I would try but how can you help a ghost find their mom? I mean, it's like trying to find a needle in a hay-stack.
Then this girl came into my room crying saying she couldn't find her mom. I was cold all over. I was stricken with fear and didn't know what to do.
After that, she vanished.


My first experience with the supernatural was 3 years ago, in the suburb Sunny bank, Brisbane.
I and three other friends of mine were out for a night walk in the neighborhood around 9:00 PM. A few hours later we decided to head back home. We were 15 minutes from home when we decided to take a shortcut through the high school, Sunny bank High. It was my current school at the time.
I remember looking at the time on my phone, it was 12:00 AM on the dot, nothing odd at the time, and one of my mates told me that somebody died at this school. I asked how, and she said "he fell backwards off that balcony were right in front of". That didn't get me scared.
We decided to play hide and seek for some reason. As I peered around corners my mate screamed. He said he saw a dark figure leaning around behind one of the buildings. After hearing that I just wanted to get going.
When we met back up with the girls. They were mad at us. We asked what was wrong.
Tylor said they saw one of us peering around the corner and we didn't reply to them. We told them about what we saw, and later realized they saw the same thing. As we crossed the field, the 2 girls screamed pointing at the dark school building. All the lower windows were wide open, they were closed moments before.
One of the girls said she saw an arm hanging from the window moving fast like it was swinging and shaking as if it was saying to go away. I was the biggest skeptic so I started swearing at the windows. She said "don't! You'll only make it angry!". I was so scared when I heard that. We ran out of the school grounds so fast, weird events happened on the way.
There was a parked car on the side of the road that had bushy ferns placed so neatly across the windscreen and bonnet, it was something you'd never see, something no ordinary person would ever do, especially to their own car. Also a cat that slowly crossed the road behind us just as we mentioned cats being a sign of bad luck. We finally got back to our street; we sat on my mate's front yard (my house was across the road).
We talked about what we had just seen, and then later just laughed about it like it was just a big coincidence, then I told them "well I better get going, I live 3 streets away". Trying to fool any spirits if they were following us, I was that spooked that I was willing to do anything just so I don't see anything like a ghost! But my mate said,"what are you talking about you only live across the road" pointing over at the same time. I was so mad at him!
Once I felt calm we decided to go over. Just as we walked down my driveway, the security sensor light came on. My mate yelled."LOOK!"My heart just stopped! All doors on my dad's car were wide open, the main front door and sliding door (which we never opened) was wide open, so were the house windows, nothing was opened half way or quarter, and they were as far as they go!
I ran back across the road & ended up sleeping the night with the girls, I couldn't sleep, every hour I looked across to my house; strange thing was that the security lights were still on, which usually turns off unless it still detects motion.
I felt like something was waiting for me. Next morning I went back and asked everybody why they left everything open. They were just as shocked as me when they realized. Nothing was stolen & they weren't harmed. That night they slept in the living room. Right next to the 2 front doors that were open and didn't hear a thing. That's when I realized what happened. Only thing I could think is that I was being taught a lesson about messing with the spirits. This is the biggest encounter I have had. Ever since then I have never had a doubt about ghosts.

Haunted Book Shelf

We just moved to north carolina and the house me and my family moved into was built back in the early 1960's. It was back in the woods where a battlefield used to be and also a graveyard. I was about 9 at the time. There was this old fireplace in the living room and beside it was a old built-in book shelf with attached books that pulled open into a hide-a-way room, like a panic room.
Me and my family were watching a movie one Saturday night in the living room, but we still had 1 lamp on so we could still see each other. We heard a squeak and the room from the bookshelf was exposed. I got so scared, my mom told me that it was probably open and my dog pushed it open even more.
Getting ready for school on sunday, me and my mother were watching tv around 7 o'clock and one of the books from the bookshelf came flying across the living room in mid-air, hit the wall and dropped. I about peed in my pants. We don't know what happened and ever since then, weird things were happening around that house.
One night, we had those shades that when you pull them, they roll up because we were in the process of ordering new ones. One night, in my room while I was asleep, they suddenly popped up. I was taking a bath and I always shut the door but when I was drying off, I saw it was locked, which I didn't do. I got locked in the bathroom and we had to call the landlord because my parents couldn't get me out.
I am 16 now and I believe in ghosts, weird things happen to me and I see things. But thank god we moved... into a brand new house!