Tuesday 31 May 2016

Hi Ghost

This didn't happen recently. It happened a couple of years back at close to mid night. I shared a room with my sister so I was happy when she said she was staying the night at my cousins. When she's not home, I like to stay up late and just watch movies and listen to my radio. I had just finished watching a movie and decided it was time to go to bed.
I went to the kitchen and got me something to drink. I was fine at the time but I couldn't get over the fact that it felt as if someone was following me. I was 12 at the time and I had heard about a incident where my brother had woke up and saw a man sitting in our chair in the living room. Everyone else was asleep. With me being kind of young I didn't believe it so I put the feeling aside. Since I'm the kind of person who has to hear things in order to go to sleep, I decided I wanted to adjust the radio to a station I liked.
As I was standing in front of my mirror, I heard a little girl behind me say "hi..." at that moment, I turned around and saw no one standing there. I was scared to death and I started to believe what my brother said. I went to bed but kept the light on all night.
The next day when my sister came home, I told her what had happened to me. She told me that the girl had also spoken to her but in the kitchen. To this day, I won't go to bed without a little light being on. I also have to have my radio on and a movie playing.

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