Saturday 28 May 2016

cemetery 2

When i was younger me and my friends and my cousin all decided to go to a cemetary near where i live just to walk around and do something we never do. It was really late at night and all we had was a camcorder i borrowed from a relative. We was walking and we started to hear music, like from a very old music box. We tried to find out where it was coming from but we couldnt find it. Then we saw orbs of light, now we didnt have any flashlights and there was no one there but us. As we started to make our way back down a different road in the cemetary, we heard footsteps behind us, i heard it first and stopped, i took off my shoes thinking i was hearing things or i was making the noise somehow. But then i heard it again, and i stopped everyone. When everyone stopped and didnt talk we listened and could hear the footsteps getting closer to us. We took off running out of that cemetary and we have never been back since. We played the footage of the cemetary when we got back to the hotel we was staying at and there was no music box music playing, no footsteps heard, and no lights seen. I have been wanting to investigate it furtur but have yet to do so. There was just somethings i could not explain about that night, i wish i had answers.

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