Tuesday 31 May 2016

Bathroom Ghost

So I'm getting kind of freaked out with this. Let me give some background information first: we just renovated our bathroom and put a new bathtub and everything into the bathroom. Nothing has happened until we renovated the bathroom and some strange things have been happening. I'm getting Kind of scared to take showers at night because of the following:-
First whenever I take a shower (well not every time it happens) the lights seem to dim by themselves and then click off then come back on. At first I thought it was something with the wires when it happened then I opened the shower curtains and the lights clicked off like someone hit them off. (By the way there are 2 lights on in my bathroom because they are both dim and it makes it brighter.)
Second I was in the bathroom and only the lights were on brushing my hair when I heard a long labored breathing but nobody was at home. Also sometimes I can hear scratching that sounds like it's in my room (my room is right next to the bathroom mind you) but nothing is in my room when I go to look. It might just be a mouse or something in the wall, but our house doesn't have any mice.
Honestly it's starting to creep me out and that's all that really happened in the bathroom. All I want to know is what you think this could be; Explainable or non explainable.
Thank you for reading my story even if it was very short!

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