Saturday 28 May 2016

The Roommate That Wouldn't RIP

I lived in an apartment with two other girls and I would come home and feel a presence, you know, like someone else is home. Even after checking every room and knowing no one else was home, I would still feel the presence and feel like I was being watched. When I would sit on the love seat that kind of faced our hallway, I would see a flash of red sometimes in the corner of my eye. This would freak me out because there wasn't even anything on the wall or anything red in that area.
Finally one night we were all home and got to talking. It came up that we had all had similar experiences with feeling like someone was home and seeing the flash of red. All of a sudden, the phone rang and the caller ID was our number. We answered and we could hear the music playing in the room where the other phone was. No matter how many times we hit off on the phone, it wouldn't turn off and my roommate swears she didn't leave the radio on in her room. We all slept in the living room that night huddled together, and after that, none of us wanted to stay there. For the next couple weeks, we felt the presence even stronger and saw more flashes of red. Six weeks later we all moved out. My roommates rented different apartments in the facility and I moved away. I still get chills when I think of that place.
Source :moviepilot

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