Tuesday 31 May 2016

College Dorm

I live in the dorms on campus at Eastern Michigan University, and, while strange things tend to happen to my roommate, I usually shrug them off. I was raised in a rather nontraditional, psychically-sensitive family, and was brought up to not fear the paranormal, but to respect it and still know how to protect myself from it using shields and simple incantations or rituals. This has always been more or less like second nature to me, and I've never felt truly threatened by any presences around me. Until recently.
Christmas break rolled around this year, and my roommate went home the day after her classes ended. I've slept alone in our room before, and I was leaving as well the next day, so it wasn't a big deal at all. When I went to bed that night, however, things felt somewhat different. I shrugged it off, figuring I was just overtired, and closed my eyes. As soon as I did, I got an exceedingly clear mental image of an older man standing a few feet away from my bed, glaring at me. This was disconcerting, but I just opened my eyes, counted a few sheep to get rid of the lingering image, and then tried once more to go to sleep. After all, it was probably just my imagination - I've seen similar mental images before, ranging from people I've never met in my life to elephants in tutus. Though this wasn't exactly a dancing pachyderm, it was hardly unusual.
But still, I couldn't sleep. I kept getting the feeling that there was something near the foot of my bed, standing in the doorway to my dorm room. This reminded me that I hadn't locked the door before laying down, so I reluctantly stood up to go lock it. I didn't want to walk through those few feet of space - it felt like there was something there that I didn't want anything to do with. I quickly locked up and dove back into bed, closing my eyes tightly. For several long moments, everything seemed okay again.
Several years ago, I began learning how to use my energy to gently influence things — pendulums for the most part, though on occasion, in crowded areas, I would use it to subtly keep people away from my personal space. I could form a barrier that would discourage people, on a subconscious level, from getting too close. I've always done this to some extent, when I was younger, but have only recently begun doing it on purpose. Learning how to do this has made me more aware of my aura, of the energy that surrounds me, and sometimes I can tell when someone is thinking very hard about me, just based off of the changes in my own energy.
I bring this up because I began to sense changes in my aura (I'm not a huge fan of this word, but it most clearly gets across my meaning). It felt like someone was playing with my energy, perhaps sucking it away. This has happened a time or two before, in my bedroom at home, but there, all I need to do is tell it rather forcefully to stop, and it does. I did that in my dorm room, and nothing happened. So I then put up that shield I've been using for so long, but still nothing happened. As I did this, I began to sense a sort of shape that went along with the bad feeling at the foot of my bed. Whatever it was, reminded me of the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park: it was non-human, and somewhat small, but still quite dangerous.
Finally I imagined a sort of energetic bomb going off, filling the room with bright white light, and the being seemed to vanish. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary so far now that we're back, but then again, it has only been two days. I'm hoping that whatever it was, it left for good.

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