Monday 30 May 2016

Little Ghost

I'll start with the ones that my mum told me, my mum would always visit her sister when the children where off school. It was nice for her and my brother and sister to get away from the hustle and bustle of London and get some fresh down in the countryside. On this one visit my mum being pregnant with me at the time felt like she needed a lie down, she hadn't realised how long she had slept for until she looked over to the other bed in the spare room and saw my sister and brother fast asleep they were on bunk beds.
My little brother was on the bottom bunk and my sister on the top, she looked at the clock and saw it was around midnight so thought she would just try to go back to sleep. Whilst dozing she heard movement coming form the bunk beds, she looked over and saw my sister get off the top bunk and go out of the room, thinking she was just going to the toilet my mum didn't say anything it wasn't until half an hour later that she decided to go find out what my sister was doing as she had failed to come back into the room. (My mum was wide awake at this point and for the last half hour so would have know if my sister had come back in the room). As soon as she got up out of bed to her surprise, my sister was still fast asleep on the top bunk.
This story is one of the only ones that we put down to out of body experience the rest we think has to do with a little girl that haunts the landing and stair area of my aunt's house.
This one is shorter then the last one. 


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