Monday 30 May 2016

Amity house

I moved to Boise when I was 15. To a big house on Amity, Indian lakes golf course was our back yard. It was such a cool house; there were three story-vaulted ceilings in the living room which also had a curved staircase and open 2nd story landing. There were three bedrooms upstairs and the master downstairs. In the upstairs bathroom there was one of those, pull the ladder down to get in the attic things. Except the attic was actually another room. It looked like it should be an artist studio, when we first went up there; there were a few of those velvet paintings of cats with huge eyes and other rather odd stuff. But it was the feeling up there. The air felt off, heavy is the only word I can think that kind of explains it. The whole time we lived there I was always nervous using that bathroom, and I always felt like there was something watching me in there.
I lived with my parents and four siblings. My mother worked nights at St. Als. During the day while she was sleeping she would wake up hearing kids running up and down the stairs, or laughing, or throwing balls against the wall. All of us kids were at school during this time. My mom was home alone.
My younger brother Daniel woke me up one night to say that he could hear someone walking up and down the stairs so I crept over to the railing with him (keep in mind the landing overlooks the living room) there are floor to ceiling windows directly across the room from us. I looked at the stairs, there was no one there but I could distinctly see big footprints coming up the stairs. Daniel slept in my room that night.
A few weeks later my youngest brother Billy was digging in his toy box and was pushed in, except no one was there. He ran to mom hollering but he was the only kid even in the house at that time, my other brothers and I were out back.
There weren't a lot of incidents that happened to me directly but there are two I remember distinctly. There were three or four times when my alarm would go off at the wrong time but the clock would say the right thing i.e. Clock would say something like 5:25 and it was actually 3am. I would get up and go take a shower or bath wondering why I was so tired. When I went back into my room and looked at the clock it would be 2 or 3 in the morning.
One day my brother Matt and I were out back building an igloo or trying to at any rate. I felt like someone was watching me so I looked at the house and couldn't see anything so went back to building but I still felt very strongly that someone was watching so I looked again and in my bedroom window the blinds were bent in the way you would bend them to peek through. Well I just sat there and stared at them for a bit trying to think if there was anything in my room that could be leaning against them. Well I got my answer because just then they closed. There was no one else home.
We only lived in that house for six months. I would be very interested in anyone else who has lived there sharing their stories about the place. That's one of the most haunted places I've ever been in. Plus it was a rental so I'm sure it's had a lot of tenants over the years.

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