Monday 30 May 2016

Religious Ghost

This happened on the eve of my friend's birthday. We wanted to surprise Joe and got some booze and a cake and were planning to go in around 12 am to surprise him and wish him a happy birthday. He was staying in an apartment with his elder bro. His bro knew the plan before hand and we had it planned well.
There were around twenty of us waiting for midnight. We parked our vehicles in the street perpendicular to the apartment. It was a dim lit street, quite lonely too. This didn't disturb us a single bit. Joe and his bro were the only bachelors staying in that apartment and any trouble caused would land up on their shoulders. So we all planned to sneak up in pairs. By eleven forty most of us were inside, except for the four of us waiting downstairs, as we had to take the things up. In no time at all the other two guys went up with the cake and the booze. We couldn't wait to get our hands into that.
Before the two of us could leave, my friend initiated for us to have a smoke before we left. It was around this time I got a call from an old friend of mine, my childhood sweetheart if I were to be clear. So this call was more important than going to a shop nearby for a smoke. He understood this and proceeded towards the shop. I was sitting inside an auto that was parked at the rear end of the street. I was on the phone and could see my friend leaving to get us smokes. There wasn't much light, I saw a woman coming down the street through the rearview mirrors in the auto. I knew a person was walking towards me but paid less attention, she approached towards me and walked past me. 

 I didn't have eye contact with the person nor did I look towards the person. I just saw her at the corner of my eye and was least bothered about the character only thinking it was human. But later this turned out differently; when the person walked cross me the call got cut. We were in the middle of a conversation and it cut abruptly. I immediately looked at the character walking across me and then put my head down to try another call. But my head didn't stay down. I could smell something burning and it was coming from the person who was walking across me. As she went across, there was a car parked to the right of her, she attempted to go towards the right but in an instance she sped towards the opposite side.
This wasn't a joke she vanished in fractions of seconds, just how a smoke bomb goes up. I knew she wasn't human at all and driven by my curiosity I walked towards the place she was going towards to find a small Hindu temple on the other side of the car. The car was blocking the view of the temple, the apparition should have been startled by that religious structure I guess. I was standing there confused, and I got another call. The friend of mine who went to get cigarettes saw something move towards the street a few minutes ago. This didn't register in our minds as we had things to do. But thinking back that I was alone in a street where a ghost had passed gives me goose bumps all over and whatever it was it didn't mean any harm to me.
Many auto drivers have reported the same incidents of this lady; she had burnt herself to death. People say that her soul still revolves around the places she lived.

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