Tuesday 31 May 2016

Strange Man

These two incidents actually happened to my middle sister. My sister sat in the living room watching TV while everybody else had just left for work or school. It had been about an hour when my sister heard the back door open, someone wipe their feet and walk through the hallway and pass the open living room door. Now she didn't see who exactly it was, as she had carried on watching TV thinking it was my dad or granddad coming home for something. So she had seen someone pass in the corner of her eye. After a few minutes, she didn't hear anything so got up and went to the hallway to find out whoever it was and carried on down the hallway and out the front door. Both the doors were wide open. She couldn't see anyone on the street. And where I live it would be very difficult to escape without anyone hearing you. Now that could of been an attempted burglar!
Another time, a few days after, my sister had just gotten back from college and walked up to the door. Now she had a back door key but as she approached the front door (patterned glass door), she saw someone walk out the living room down the hallway and turn into the kitchen. While watching this, she had banged on the door thinking it was my dad. She shouted to let her in! After a while, nothing happened so she walked to the back door and let herself in, to find that there was NO ONE at all in the house! Now she checked all the doors and windows to see if they had been opened (burglar check) but they were all locked!
She swears both times that someone or something had been in our house!

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