Sunday 29 May 2016

mirror mirror

When my boyfriend and I were renting out a room to a friend and his girlfriend, we saw and heard a lot of creepy things when she moved her things into our place, particularly a long mirror. She started hearing dark voices when she tried to sleep and they said things like, "touch her". I couldn't sleep in my own room because I felt like someone was watching me, so if I was all alone and wanted to sleep, I would call a friend and ask to sleep at her place. One day when I was taking a shower (we have the sliding shower doors that you can see though), and after I washed my face and looked out the sliding door, I saw a figure watching me. I screamed and my boyfriend came in and asked what was wrong and I told him that something was watching me shower and we decided to cleanse the apartment. It didn't work. A few weeks later we got in a disagreement with our girl roommate and it resulted in her leaving and she told us to do whatever we wanted with the mirror because she didn't want it anymore. We threw it out. After we tossed the mirror, we had no more paranormal activity in our apartment.

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