Tuesday 31 May 2016

Irish Haunting

The following is from a young woman living in rural Ireland. The free evaluation form read:  I have been living in my current house for around 10 years, since I was 7 years old. The house is situated in the country side in Ireland around 4 km from our local town. Ever since I moved into the house with my mother and stepfather, I would be feeling/hearing things. Just to make things clear, I have always been a firm believer of  the supernatural and I’m a very sensitive person when it comes to the supernatural world. Starting off with one of the first things when I’d just moved in, I’d be laying in bed trying to fall Ghost watchingasleep in the dead darkness facing the wall and I would be hearing a faint whispering/breathing right in my ear. It literally felt that it was IN my ear. All I could do is lay in bed like a stone and not move an inch with my heart racing because of the fear I had. As I got older, lots of different things have occurred. Sometimes I would hear a sound that sounded somewhat like a pebble was being thrown at my bedroom door from the other side, feet shuffling under my bed, scratching coming from my closet, thumps in the attic above my room, and an extreme feeling that I was being watched all the time. When my cousin and friend started feeling/hearing/seeing the same things I have, I became a bit more sure that there is someone that’s uninvited. My friend and I would be home alone and we would hear a crazy loud shuffling sound coming from the bathroom near my room that would come out of nowhere. The other time he was having a smoke through my bedroom window and both of us saw this human-like white faint figure dart past the garden and we immediately closed the window and blinds.

Apart from all these little signs like hearing someone walking on the pebbles in my driveway at night, there was two things that really made my heart sink. The first thing was a woman-like voice shrieking outside near my window at night and I was lucky enough to have caught on tape. I have showed it to my mother and friends but they are unsure what to make of it. The second thing was when my 24 year old stepbrother and I were sitting in the kitchen at around 3am after watching TV. The next thing we hear is a concrete knock on our door. We quickly rush over to look outside the glass door, and yes of course, no one is there. It would be impossible for a person to run away this quick, without hearing any running on the stones in the driveway, or to get away from our door that had the light on outside without us seeing them.
My room has always been the coldest in the house, and always had that negative feeling. When I dream, its mostly grim and scary nightmares. Sometimes I open my eyes in the darkness and see a disfigured shadow person, just beside my face, but its hard to tell whether it is what it is or if its my eyes playing tricks on me. I feel like whatever is happening in my home is affecting my behavior. I would just get random days out of the blue when I’m completely depressed, real-peoplecan’t eat and have feelings of stepping away from life and the next day I would be completely fine. But when I am home my anger is constant,( more anger than happiness). I will respond to people in my home in an angry manner to the simplest questions. I really do feel like there is a lot of negativity in my house, especially in my room.

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