Tuesday 31 May 2016

school Ghost

You always hear about kids who died in your school and you don't believe it. One day a boy told me that a girl named Leslee died in the gym on the stage. No one knows how. I didn't believe it, until I experienced my first ghost sighting.
My friends Alicia, Briana and I went on the stage at noon recess to practice for the talent show. Because we have a school singing group for us three. When on stage, we thought we should close the curtains, so no one could watch us. As Briana walked over to close it, IT STARTED TO GO ABOUT A REALLY LITTLE BIT BY ITSELF! Then the colored lights kept on switching on and of. We were way too scared to run of. "The story of Leslee must be true!" shouted Alicia. Then we went to hide behind all of these big mats. As we did, the lights went off. Then we peeked our heads to see what happened, the curtains were closed all the way now. We came out and Briana was crying. Alicia was breathing big, and I clanged onto my friends. Then one of the mats came over to fall on us. We shouted and ran.
We still go on the stage to practice, the day that happened was April 10, 2007. But we keep the curtains open. We try not to mess around with the ghost, or whatever it is, but we never run away when Leslee tries to pull another prank on us. Who knows she could be nice. But I am not taking any chances. She tried to hurt us. And that is nothing we asked for. Still Leslee creeps us out. We didn't tell any kids or teachers. Only our moms!
Remember if a ghost tries to hurt you, don't try to be scared. It gives the ghost more power.

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