Monday 30 May 2016


 I remember when my daughter, now 14, was only 2 months old, my now ex-husband and I were staying at his parents house to watch over the house and take care of his 13 year old sister, Shannon, while they were on vacation in Mexico. We were sleeping in his parents bedroom and our 2 month old daughter, Amberley, was sleeping next to my bedside in her own bed.
I woke up in the wee hours and saw a figure (torso and head) hovering over my daughter as if looking at her every feature. I wasn't really sure what I was seeing. The only light in the room was a dim red light from the clock that was on the nightstand next to me. When this being knew that I has awakened, it stood up straight from a bent over position (like somebody standing bent over looking at the baby sleeping but with no legs) and looked at me, then very quickly came right up to my face as if to study my features (I have got chicken skin bad right now just talking about this) and then I started poking my husband to wake up and turn on the light, but he didn't wake up in time before this thing darted off and went right through the bedroom door.
My husband turned on the light and I told him what had happened. We ended up going back to sleep but the next day after I had time to think about what this beings face looked like, I thought, you know what, this looks like my husband's grandmother who died of cancer (two months before this happened), before she ever got to see her Great-Grandchild or even meet me in person. We went through some pictures of her and I swear to this day it was her. Even though this being had only the top part of the body, when it was right in my face, it was like looking at a real person. She was waiting for us to have Amberley and go up to Alabama and see her but she died so quickly after being diagnosed, that it was too late so she came to finish her business of seeing her grandchild and me!
It was a scary way of doing it for me but no harm, no foul!

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