Sunday 29 May 2016

haunted toy train

when my little brother was little he had a train flashlight that would make noise but the batteries ran out so it didn't work....... One day my aunt gave us a painting that showed a little boy holding a toy train that looked exactly like the one we had, a few weeks after receving the painting my mother and I were alone in the house watching tv and we started to hear laughing coming from my brothers room so we go back there to see what it was turn out it was nothing so we go back to watching tv in the living room and then we hear it again but this time we go back there and the door was closed and had been locked from the inside so we go outside and get in his room from the window, we unlock the door his door has an automatic lock so we thought it closed because of the wind or something but when we were walking back down the hallway we heard a train whistle we go to his room and the train we on the ground rolling around by itself and its light was on but it didn't have any batteries so me and my mom drove to my cousins house until someone would go to the house with us to get our stuff.

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