Saturday 28 May 2016

Cemetry Ghost

People say that most cemeteries are not haunted because the dead typically go to familiar places. I know of a cemetery that is haunted. Growing up on halloween, my family would take us on a hay ride to give us a good scare and we would always go by Goshen cemetery where my uncle would have someone waiting to jump out and scare us. We always heard stories about the cemetery and all the bad things that had happened over the years. As a teenager, my friends and I would go at night and sit in the pavilion listening to all the strange noises that came from the cemetery, but would never go in because we believed it to be disrespectful. As an adult, I hooked up with an amature ghost hunting group and convinced them to investigate Goshen. We got the appropriate approvals and started an investigation after sun down. Nothing happened for the first few hours and then we would start hearing little noises. Nothing major, just sounds of movement. Since we were outside we figured the noise were from animals lurking around. Roughly around midnight - 1 am we all noticed a glowing light towards to back part of the cemetery. Although I was a little apprehensive I joined the group to go see what it was. The closer we got, the further away the light was. We finally made it to the edge of the cemetery and the light had disappeared. There was only one headstone back there and it was a very old unmarked headstone. All of a sudden I felt very nervous and very chilled, as if the temperature had dropped 5 or more degrees. Some of the other members began to document the area and asked questions as well. The feeling subsided a few minutes after it began and the rest of the night was quite. After going through the evidence, my friend who was with the group brought me 2 EVP's and a few pics and one video; all recorded at the same time. The pics showed a misty figure beside and behind me, like there were multiple figures. The video showed the mists forming out of nowhere at the same time I was getting the chills and they looked as if they were circling me. The EVP'S had one that was hard to understand and the other had multiple voices saying things like "pretty" and "mine". The voices were horribly terrifing. A few weeks later during some research, my friend discovered that the unmarked grave belonged to a drifter who had died while passing through town back in the early 1800s. He seemed to have been quite the ladies man while there and it is thought that his death wasn't an accident, but possibly a murder.
Source :Jennifer Barndt

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