Saturday 28 May 2016

The Eerie & Unexpected Exorcism

I saw a girl get possessed when we were at a friend's house. I was outside hanging out when we heard the girl's mom crying and screaming. We walked in and my friend, who is a big guy, was struggling to hold down his sister. I say she was possessed because she was talking in a man's voice -- this was a 17-year-old girl and just 110 pounds. She pushed her brother off and dropped to the floor, then she elevated off the floor, her torso was up in the air and only her feet and head were touching the floor.
It was horrible, most people left. I stayed and helped the brother hold her down, telling the spirit to go away. I don't know why I did that, I've always been spiritual and felt like I could help. After 20 minutes, she came back, she didn't remember anything. She didn't know what had happened, she was super confused and looked really messed up. She's okay now. Her brother and I kept in contact. Last time we talked was about a year ago and he still remembers that night pretty well. He thanked me for doing that but I honestly don't think I did anything impressive. I just did what felt right and wanted to help.
Source :moviepilot

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