Tuesday 31 May 2016

A true Friend

I can still remember her name, Mary Grace. She became like an older sister to me in High school, she was 2 years older than I was but she always had my back. She was originally from the Philippines (this information, will come in handy later in the story). I remember for our secret Santa thing that we did she pulled my name and gave me this cute sanrio piggybank. It was one that would swing back and forth.
Anyhow, something very tragic happened to her. At her young age, she got pregnant and although we may never know the real reason why she did it we heard rumors that she was so afraid to tell her parents that she committed suicide and was found in her closet. Needless to say I was very sad and devastated.
Now for the more interesting part of this story. About a month after her passing, I was in my room all alone doing homework and I kept the piggy bank she gave me on my desk. I was in there for about 2 hours alone with the door closed and I didn't really notice anything weird. Then my boyfriend came over to help me and so we were both in my room at my desk. He was sitting to my right and we were both looking at my math book, which was also on my right. The binder that I was doing my work on was on my left. I distinctly remember that the last problem I was working on was #26.
We were working on the problem for about 2-3 minutes and when we got the answer I was about to write the number 27, but froze in place. I stared at the paper, because there it was the number 27 written. I was like " I did not write that" and I knew for sure my boyfriend couldn't have done it because he was on my right side like I said and we were both working on the math question. But the most interesting thing about it is that it was written at an angle as if someone had written it in over my shoulder. I didn't say anything to my boyfriend for about a minute because I was just wondering how the hell did that get there.
I then finally asked him if he wrote it and he was like of course not and anyway how could he. We then felt the coldest chill in the room, no wind because the door and window was closed; just the coldest chill came over where we were sitting. I swear the piggybank she gave me started swinging back and forth. That would only happen if someone pushes it, we looked at each other without making a big fuss, stood up gathered the books and walked down stairs. The cold chill followed only me downstairs. It's like I had a blanket of cold air around my body.
We started discussing that number that was written in and then I just had the idea to check over all the other work that I have been doing while I was alone. And for sure to my amazement there were many more numbers and things that you could distinctly tell weren't my handwriting. I would see my handwriting and then all of sudden it changes to a different type of writing and this continued through the several pages of math problems that I did.
The most chicken skin thing was that I normally write my number 7 just as you see it there, but it is really common for people from the Philippines to write the number 7 with a line in the middle. I hope you all know what I mean it kind of looks like a backwards F. And I have never ever in my entire life to this day write my 7 with the line. But there it was in plain site at the point where the handwriting changes and if there was a 7 in the problem it was written with a line through it. We just stared at the papers in amazement.
The thing is I was never really good in math and I was surprised myself that I went through like 10 pages of work with no complications. I didn't notice while I was doing it, not until we were looking over the papers, that she was helping me through it all that time. I smiled and said " Thank you" a couple seconds later the cold chill went away. I still have the piggybank somewhere.
I wish I still had that math homework, as a reminder that a true friend is always there no matter what.

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