Sunday 29 May 2016


I was five when it all started. I started dreaming about things, which eventually took place afterwards, i could see people and things my parents and sibling did not see. at first they thought i was lying but then one day i saw the holy priest sai baba in the mirror, it was in 2011 and i was 11 years old, i told them so and the next morning, in the news it said that he was dead. i have a picture of me in my childhood where there someone's ghost floating above my head. When i was 13 i started talking in my sleep a language no one knew or could understand. i would sit in my sleep and talk and laugh. once i even levitated in my sleep. i still see things and people no one else can and whatever dream i do it eventually comes true. recently i dreamt that a man was pleading to me to help him, he was telling me that he doesn't live here and that they are drowning him. when i woke up, my mom told me that a man was found in a river not so far from where we live when i saw his face in the news, it was the same man. theres also this presence that always stays here, but i don't feel anything negative about it. some months ago i did an accident which should have been fatal, my helmet was off and i felt in the middle of the road, but i was alive and got out with only a cut on the feet and the position i was on the road was like someone had put me there in bridal style i felt no pain at all. sometimes when i sleep i feel like there's someone besides me. i can here them talk to me too.

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