Monday 30 May 2016

Invisible Friend

First, let me begin this story by telling you that until these events, I was a complete skeptic. Other than God, if I couldn't see, I didn't believe. I do now! It was 1992 and the end of Desert Storm. My husband is in the military and at the time was still in Kuwait. So being lonely, I took our two and a half year-old daughter, Elizabeth (Lizzy), and moved back home with my family. My mom, younger sister and brother lived in an older, yet well established part of our home town. I thought it was the perfect place to wait for my husband, that was until my daughter made a new friend.
One evening my mom and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner, and my daughter was playing at the table. For some reason I turned to look at her and she was just staring down the short hall to an open door at the end. This was my sister, Lisa's room. Lizzy was shaking like a leaf and she was literally white as a ghost. Then she just started crying. My first thought was she had some kind of seizure or something. Then as she sat in my lap, she kept pointing down the hall, crying and saying "Tell her to leave, I no like her". My mom and I looked at her and each other kind of dumb-founded. We knew she could not be talking about my sister, she loved her aunt "sisa". This went on for about 15 minutes until my mom and I promised Lizzy we would make "her" leave.
After settling Lizzy down with my brother, Lance, in the living room, we began our search for what could have been the reason for her apparent fright. We found nothing or nobody.
We had more or less forgotten the incident, until about a month had went by. Once again my mom and I were in the kitchen and this time Lizzy was in the living room playing. Alone. Or so we thought.
I heard her carrying on a one-sided conversation, yet it sounded as if she was talking to someone. I went around the corner, just to peek in to see if things were o.k. She was sitting on the couch with her head turned to the left talking as if someone was sitting next to her. I asked who she was talking to, her reply was "The girl from Sisa's (Lisa's) room". I went completely cold. I went in, picked her up and quickly went back into the kitchen.
This was not the end. This continued for about 6 months. She would have conversations and play with "The girl from Sisa's room". My mom tried to convince me it was just an imaginary friend, common for only children, but I had my doubts. Then one day it just stopped and she never mentioned her again.
My husband came back and we went home. Things were finally back to normal... Lizzy never mentioned the "girl" again, but she came back. I will leave that for another time and another child.

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