Tuesday 31 May 2016


When my friends moved into their first apartment, they didn't have a lot of furniture, but there was one item left there, a big couch. The thing about this couch was it was haunted, it sounds stupid but it was really a haunted couch. One problem was if you sat on this couch and let your legs hang over the side, you would feel this weird pressure like something tapping you, and then when you looked under, there was never anything there. Then, if you tried to set down something like a beer or a soda it would fall over every time. Plus, there were sometimes these really bizarre scratching noises coming from right under the couch and occasionally a bloodcurdling yowl that would scare anyone.
It got insanely creepy, and my poor friend jenny was sleeping next to the couch on the floor. What she said was that one night she heard really soft breathing coming from right near her head, and then when she looked over, she could see from under the couch these eyes staring right at her. That was when she finally convinced her boyfriend to get rid of the couch.
So jen called me and my other friend to come over and help move the couch, but when we were lifting it someone must have tripped because the couch moved, and something went thump onto the floor. We set it down to investigate, and saw lying there in almost perfect condition the corpse of an old cat with brown and white fur and a cropped tail, that's how perfect the body was we could even see the fur and everything. We buried it out in the yard and that was the end of it. It might not sound really scary but it was an ordeal for these people, because they had the couch for 5 whole months.

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