Monday 30 May 2016


After posting my other story, I did research on the house. The history is not good at all. Later I was thinking about it when this strange light came on in my room. I got freaked out. In my mind I said "Show your self".
Well... It did. It was a little girl. She started giggling then this burst of light exploded in my room. I called my friend and told her about it. She was freaked out about it. I told my parents (my mom really) but she ignored me.
I came back in my room and there was a man sitting my desk chair. I froze. Then it got up and walked past me. It felt like a cold gust of wind blew past me. I walked over to my chair and it was also freezing cold. I thought I was just tired but it was only one in the afternoon.
I decided I would go back to playing World of War craft. But when I did the man appeared again and he looked angry to me. He ran over to the chair (by that time I was out of the room) and sat back down. When I went back in, he was gone.
Later in the night I heard someone calling "Mommy, mommy! Where are you?" I sat up in bed and my hair stood up on the back of my neck. I looked at the time and it was around 12m (midnight). I heard it again but then it started crying.
Being stupid I said in my mind "What's wrong?" Then the voice said "I can't find mommy... Can you help me?" I said I would try but how can you help a ghost find their mom? I mean, it's like trying to find a needle in a hay-stack.
Then this girl came into my room crying saying she couldn't find her mom. I was cold all over. I was stricken with fear and didn't know what to do.
After that, she vanished.

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