Saturday 28 May 2016

The Big Yellow House

When I was around 8-9 years old I moved in with my mom into a big yellow house. I was pretty excited because the house was big, and we had a game room, living room, and 4 rooms and other stuff. But a few weeks in, I got scared being there. There was just this eerie feeling. especially in me and my sisters room. My sister is a really deep sleeper, and I'm a somewhat light sleeper. I started waking up at around 1 or 3 in the morning to hear banging on my window. I always heard this kind of chant too, and it sounded like drums outside. Also a type of red glow would come through our curtains. I checked outside when I got enough courage, and there was nothing there, and everything was silent. I would always hear it again when I got back in bed. I eventually cried myself to sleep. Then one night it was just me and my mom alone at home. Sister was at grandmas and step dad usually had to work until 1 am sometimes. I was in my room playing on my ds while my mom was watching movies in her room. (Hers is across from mine. I can see in it when our doors are open. ) My mom was getting ready for bed so she ejected the movie and the screen turned blue. (Know what I mean how DVD players did that?) I thought to myself 'oh mom is just getting ready for bed' to make myself feel better since i was nervous. I then saw someone walking down the hallway and thought 'why is mom going downstairs, is she hungry?' then I payed more attention and realized it wasn't my mom and completely froze up, I got chills EVERYWHERE! It was so scary. I remember it was a lady wearing a big hat, and I think a dress. she looked a bit transparent blue (maybe from the DVD screen) and you know how flames have those moving flames ? It looked like that, but she wasn't on fire. It was just blue... It's hard for me to explain. Anyways, I would always get the feeling of being watched in my room, and it was colder there too, if that has anything to do with it. When we finally moved out after 2 years, we saw really big handprints on our closet door that weren't there before. It was too high, and the hands were too big to be our hands or my mom's, and my step dad didn't go into our room so it was really weird. We were glad to finally get out of that house!
Source :Kyou Takizawa

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