Tuesday 31 May 2016

Haunted Laundry Room

This happened a couple of years ago. We had just moved into a new house, I was getting used to living in a different neighborhood and it wasn't really easy. One night, my parents weren't home so I invited my friend over. We were sitting in my room talking about boys when my friend said she had to go to the washroom. While she was in the washroom, I went downstairs to go get a snack for us to eat without telling her. As I went downstairs, she came out of the washroom and was stunned I was coming back upstairs, she asked "how did you leave so quickly when I was just talking to you?". I was shocked, I told her that I had been downstairs and I didn't even talk to her while she was in the bathroom. We both were freaked out and she told me the voice sounded exactly like mine.
That night, when my parents returned home, me and my friend were getting ready to go to bed. We fell asleep at around 1:30am. The next morning, I awoke and when my friend left to go home. I was walking up the stairs. I had this feeling as if someone was following me, I looked back and I saw this dark thing walking behind me, and, as it walked after me, its hood came out of more and more. I ran to my bedroom and locked the door.
I told my parents about what had happened, they really didn't believe me, so I asked my mom who had lived in this house before us and she told me that this lady and her kids had lived here . She had this worried look on her face. I asked her what had happened and in a light voice, she said the women who lived here before had committed suicide in our laundry room. I was terrified. Some time after that, I went to do my laundry when the door had slammed shut. I was scared to death, I quickly opened the door and ran out of the laundry room.
After that day, I never saw anything again until I had to take care of my baby cousin with my friend. We were playing with her in this spare room when she pointed up at the ceiling and started to cry uncontrollably. I ran and got my camera, when I took a picture of where she was pointing, I could see this white weird shaped thing. We were terrified. After that, I showed my parents the picture and they invited the priest to bless our house.
Ever since that day, I haven't seen a ghost.

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