Monday 30 May 2016


fter much mental convincing, I have decided to finally tell a story that I have experienced. Now, this story is not about seeing any apparitions or hearing any voices, but I certainly felt the presence.
I'll give a little background to my story before I progress. My grandmother died when I was 9 years old from breast cancer. It was very hard on me. My grandma and I were extremely close. I am now 19, and still think about her constantly and how much I miss her.
This past summer, I went to the doctor to have a routine check-up. I had never had any problems before so when the doctor was done with the examination I was shocked at what he had to say. During the breast examination portion, he said that he may have found a lump. (For those who don't know, a lump could indicate breast cancer or another abnormality)
My head was spinning as my mom and I left the doctor's office. I was in a daze and could not snap out of it. I was so scared that I may have breast cancer. The doctor had told my mom and me that we need to get in touch with the hospital and have an ultra-sound performed to either confirm or refute the lump. The next day my mom was able to get me into the hospital.
The exam went fine and the nurse, at the end of the exam, was able to tell us that there was no problems and I was fine. I cannot describe the huge weight that was lifted after hearing that.
Now, as we were leaving the hospital to go back to work, was when the "experience" happened.
I was staring outside of the window as my mom drove, happy as a clam at the fact that I did not have breast cancer, when I saw it. I am a firm believer in seeing signs, and that things have meaning. While driving we passed a white Oldsmobile from the mid to early 1990's. I looked at the license plate and my heart skipped a beat and I suddenly was unable to say anything. The license plate had said Peggy94.
Remember my grandmother from before? Well, her name was Peggy, and while she was living she drove a white Oldsmobile exactly like the car I was looking at. The 94 took me a few seconds but then I realized, my brother was born in 1994 on my grandma's birthday.
It took me a few seconds to recover and I turned to my mom and asked her if she had just seen that. My mom asked me what I was talking about and so I explained because by the time I had looked out the window again to point out what I was talking about, the car had already zoomed by.
A few days later, as I was relaying the events to someone else, my mom confessed to me that she had teared up when I told her what I had seen.
I truly felt my grandma with me that day, and I believe that she sent me a sign to let me know that she has never really left my side, even after all these years.

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