Sunday 29 May 2016

Haunted school Hallway

When I was in the 7nth grade me and my friends where walking through the hallway where only the teachers were allowed to go and it was all dark but we were going to be late for class and we had to take a shortcut through the hallway. The hallway was dark no one was there but the four of us we were all speaking and it was just us in the hallway and one of my Friends froze and said shut up and listen so we stood there not knowing what was going on and he said did you hear that then we said hear what and he said just listen and sure enough he had heard something there was we could hear the sound of a young girl saying your not allowed to be hear and she said it until we left and I told my mom and she didn't believe me and I didn't want to go to school and she phone the school and and the school had to be searched and ghost inspectors and the school was right enough haunted.

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