Monday 30 May 2016

pick up

I'm sure we all heard of stories of spirits being spotted on road-sides, and being picked up, and requested to be taken to their homes, only to find out that the person had died a long time ago. That's mostly what this one is about, except that it is different in another way.
It happened to a taxi-driver that my parents know, I think that he comes from the family, very distant though. He was driving home late one night, after a long day of working and taking people here and there, he didn't have the energy to really pay attention. He turned onto a road which led to his house, when he saw a girl by the side of the road, she looked like she was waiting for someone. She was wearing a blue dress, a very fancy one that you would probably use for a high-school prom or something, like I said, he wasn't paying attention, but he didn't have the stone-heart to just leave her there, all alone in the night.
He drove up the girl's side and asked her if she needed a ride, the girl nodded and got in the passenger's side of the car. The taxi driver drove along the road, hearing the girl's instructions on how to get to her house. Now, this part of the story might sound completely unbelievable but this is how I was told: the taxi-driver lives in this forest-like area, where there a lot of trees and plant-life, and at the moment he was passing the low part of the forest (or whatever) which means that if you were standing in the forest, you would have to climb upward if you wanted to get to the road, like on a hill. The man was not prepared for this next thing to happen, the passenger's car door was suddenly thrown open and the girl whom the man picked up flew out of the car and into the low part of the forest, the strange part was that he didn't hear the thumping noises from which should have been heard from such violent landing.

He stopped the car, ran out but no matter how long and how hard he looked, he couldn't find the body of the girl he had picked up. The taxi-driver gave up, and just went home, but questions were burning him inside, so first thing the next morning, he followed the directions the girl had given him and arrived to a house. He knocked, asked if any girl by the name of (whatever, I don't know her name), the bad thing was that the people said that the girl had died several years ago. When he asked them how, they said that she had been at a party, when time to leave, she left with her friend because she didn't have a ride. Half-way, when she was about to get home, the passenger's side door flew open and the girl slipped out of the vehicle due to the high velocity and speed at which her drunk friend was driving at, she rolled off the road and into the huge forest trench, a knock on the head from a large tree trunk caused her death several hours later.
Her spirit just reenacts her death, with anyone her has the heart to give her a ride...

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