Tuesday 31 May 2016

Friends Farewell

few years ago, a childhood friend passed away. Lord have Mercy on his soul... I hadn't seen him for a few years prior to his death. He had moved away for work. He took a fall and died. Me and you could fall 100 times a day, get back up shake our selves off and carry on. But he was just unlucky. I didn't believe a thing until he was brought home. Very sad time.
Anyways, the night before the funeral I was in bed, now I will tell you I did smoke a joint just before this happened. So you can make up your own mind about it. I was lying in bed thinking about him, I was not asleep but I did have my eyes closed and all of a sudden I got this warm, calm feeling all over my body, I didn't know what it was at first but then (still with my eyes closed) I saw him, I couldn't speak for a moment but then everything came flooding out. And he just told me everything was alright, then he hugged me, I felt the most explosive feeling of love ever.
There is a window in my roof and my bed was under it, I opened my eyes and an orb just flew up and out the window. I lay in bed and cried for about an hour with mixed emotions, Sad because I'll never see him again, well maybe I will but it's going to be a long time, with the Grace of God! And happy because I know he got in... He's in a much better place than this one. And plus I was thinking did that just happen?

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