Monday 30 May 2016


The house we lived in was creepy as hell already. When my bedroom was upstairs, I found someone had carved into the inside of my closet door "so-and-so died here on such-and-such a date" I thought nothing of it and decided some other kid who lived here before wrote it there to scare people.
My mom decided to extend our family with her loser boyfriend... Twice... So as me and my brother were getting older, our bedrooms were moved to the basement. Fine with that... We wanted our privacy from the rents anyways.
One weekend, my best friend decided she was going to come over and spend the night. Now, my bed was much to small for both of us so we decided to sleep on the couch in the basement living room. This room was unfinished and was pretty much the wrecking grounds for me and my brother and whoever we had over. My brother's bedroom was right across from the doorway of the living room, so the moonlight and streetlights brought in a little bit of light. It was getting late and Danielle and I decided to get ready for bed. Being an unfinished basement, we knew it would be cold during the night so we grabbed lots of blankets, turned on some music pretty low and turned out the lights. Danielle was laying on the couch facing the doorway, and I was the opposite. We just talked about the usual 15 year old gossip, when Danielle was in the middle of a story and she stopped talking. "Who's standing in the doorway?" she asked. "What are you talking about?" I replied, being somewhat afraid of the dark as it is I could feel my adrenaline rising and going into a minor panic.
"There's someone standing in the doorway wearing a trench coat and a black hat"... "Your joking don't lie to me" I said to her quietly. She closed her eyes and "it" was gone. We sat there waiting for the return of this thing. Minutes passed and nothing, so we continued our conversation. She was in the middle of telling me about some class she was in and how she hated it when I stopped her and said "Did you hear that?" On the other side of the living room where we were sleeping was the laundry room. Cement floors, metal pipes on the roof, a creepy storage room, and a bunch of junk and boxes my mom couldn't find room for. "What did you hear?" There had been a swish sound across the cement floor that sounded as if someone was pushing boxes. Danielle didn't hear it. Again we listened quietly for the sound to happen again. Nothing.
We continued our conversation, observing everything in case we heard/saw something again. "Swiiisshhh". Once again the sound appeared from the laundry room. This time we both heard it. Being the first time that night we both witnessed something odd happening in my basement (and being girls...) we started freaking out. My brother was upstairs watching t.v. And we tried calling him to come downstairs. No reply. We laid there quietly waiting to hear anything... My brother, my mom... ANYTHING. I heard the water turn off from the shower upstairs. So we started screaming for my brother one more time. He came downstairs and asked what the hell we were screaming about. After we told him the stories of what we heard and saw, he didn't seem too worried about it. Danielle and I got off the couch and decided to sleep upstairs. We followed my brother very close up the stairs. As we walked by the hallway looking into the laundry room, we noticed the box in the middle of the floor, and my mom's clothes she hung to dry hanging from the pipes on the roof were swinging back and forth very rapidly. Definitely not something wind could do. Especially since none of the windows were open.

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