Monday 30 May 2016

Demon possessed

y name is Brandon. I am a resident in Georgetown, Kentucky and I am 20 years of age. I have been dating my girlfriend Monica for three years now. About one year ago I woke up in my room to her hitting me. I said what the he** is your problem! When I turned to her she was crying her eyes out. I knew something was wrong. I asked her what happened, what's wrong with you. She replied after catching her breath. Something woke her up by pressing on her chest. She tried to say my name but she could not say, move anything. Finally she came to her senses and that is when she hit me. So I comforted her and held her back to sleep not thinking much of it. (I thought it was just a bad dream).
Then one month later the exact thing happened to me same symptoms and everything. And all this is before I accepted Jesus into my life. Then a year went by I accepted Jesus into my life and have been studying the bible hard core and loving it, and everything was good 'Until now'. I was staying over her house and it was only about 6pm. I got a call from my mom telling me that my long awaited keyboard has arrived via ups. I told Monica that I am going to go get my keyboard and make sure that it works properly. She said that she was going to take a nap while I am gone.
I got all my things and was heading out of her room, when I got this overwhelming feeling of discomfort. Something was telling me not to leave. I can not begin to explain this to you. Being me I just pushed it to the side because I did not recognize the fact that there is something else out there. But the whole time on my way home I still had that feeling. So I get to the house and grab my package with the keyboard in it. And all those feeling were gone by this time. My mind was on the keyboard.
It was not twenty minutes I got a phone call. It was Monica. She was crying and the only thing she said "it happened again but more inferior" right then I knew exactly what she was talking about. Dam* me why did I leave her? I rushed to her house and found her frightened to death. She could not even talk she was in utter shock. So I grabbed my bible and came into the house. I calm her down just enough to get the story out of her.
She said that she woke up to someone/something sitting on her bed. The first person that came to her mind was me. So she says my name "Brandon". No answer, then she says "God" but before she could finish saying God all the way it stopped her. Threw her arms back on the bed and turned her head to the side. Her eyes facing the wall it projected a picture of Jesus on the cross with blood dripping down from his head. She tried to stop this by saying come out of me in the father the son the Holy Spirit.
Once again when she said that in her head, it stopped her at spirit. It grabbed her by the hair and took her close to her closet door. She tried to say "in the father the son the Holy Spirit" but again it stopped her. This time it grabbed her jaw and forced it downward. She did not give up she tries to say it again and it puts an extreme pain in her back. Still strong she says it once again and it left her. She told me that "it did not leave me instantly it crept out of my body".
I could not believe this story I was hearing! This is something you see on TV (I said in my mind). I try and stay strong for her. I take her hand and lead her to her room, when I get this sudden cold chill all through my body. I look at her bed where this took place. There I see a white hand print with long fingernails. The weirdest thing is that we both have no fingernails. She also had taken her sheets to my house to wash them the day before. I freak out I said we got to leave right now. We ran out of the house. She called her parents, I called mine and she called her grandfather who was a preacher.
We still experienced things for about a month and then finally it suddenly stopped. Maybe all the prayers and me reading bible scriptures everyday got to it.

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