Monday 30 May 2016


My first experience with the supernatural was 3 years ago, in the suburb Sunny bank, Brisbane.
I and three other friends of mine were out for a night walk in the neighborhood around 9:00 PM. A few hours later we decided to head back home. We were 15 minutes from home when we decided to take a shortcut through the high school, Sunny bank High. It was my current school at the time.
I remember looking at the time on my phone, it was 12:00 AM on the dot, nothing odd at the time, and one of my mates told me that somebody died at this school. I asked how, and she said "he fell backwards off that balcony were right in front of". That didn't get me scared.
We decided to play hide and seek for some reason. As I peered around corners my mate screamed. He said he saw a dark figure leaning around behind one of the buildings. After hearing that I just wanted to get going.
When we met back up with the girls. They were mad at us. We asked what was wrong.
Tylor said they saw one of us peering around the corner and we didn't reply to them. We told them about what we saw, and later realized they saw the same thing. As we crossed the field, the 2 girls screamed pointing at the dark school building. All the lower windows were wide open, they were closed moments before.
One of the girls said she saw an arm hanging from the window moving fast like it was swinging and shaking as if it was saying to go away. I was the biggest skeptic so I started swearing at the windows. She said "don't! You'll only make it angry!". I was so scared when I heard that. We ran out of the school grounds so fast, weird events happened on the way.
There was a parked car on the side of the road that had bushy ferns placed so neatly across the windscreen and bonnet, it was something you'd never see, something no ordinary person would ever do, especially to their own car. Also a cat that slowly crossed the road behind us just as we mentioned cats being a sign of bad luck. We finally got back to our street; we sat on my mate's front yard (my house was across the road).
We talked about what we had just seen, and then later just laughed about it like it was just a big coincidence, then I told them "well I better get going, I live 3 streets away". Trying to fool any spirits if they were following us, I was that spooked that I was willing to do anything just so I don't see anything like a ghost! But my mate said,"what are you talking about you only live across the road" pointing over at the same time. I was so mad at him!
Once I felt calm we decided to go over. Just as we walked down my driveway, the security sensor light came on. My mate yelled."LOOK!"My heart just stopped! All doors on my dad's car were wide open, the main front door and sliding door (which we never opened) was wide open, so were the house windows, nothing was opened half way or quarter, and they were as far as they go!
I ran back across the road & ended up sleeping the night with the girls, I couldn't sleep, every hour I looked across to my house; strange thing was that the security lights were still on, which usually turns off unless it still detects motion.
I felt like something was waiting for me. Next morning I went back and asked everybody why they left everything open. They were just as shocked as me when they realized. Nothing was stolen & they weren't harmed. That night they slept in the living room. Right next to the 2 front doors that were open and didn't hear a thing. That's when I realized what happened. Only thing I could think is that I was being taught a lesson about messing with the spirits. This is the biggest encounter I have had. Ever since then I have never had a doubt about ghosts.

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