Tuesday 31 May 2016

My cousine House

My cousin, Norma, and her husband just moved into their first home. I went over to help them unpack and clean up. The very first time I set foot into that place, I felt uncomfortable like all eyes staring at me. I told my cousin about this, she said I would feel better once they have unloaded the boxes and make the house feel cozier. She did say, "It's just a little empty in here that's all." I ignored that feeling and tried not to think about it. Several weeks went by, Norma called asking for my mom. After my mom got off the phone, mom said there had been an accident at Norma's and we had to go there right away.
When we got to Norma's, inside of her house was pitch black. I was very concerned when I didn't see their car in the driveway. My mom banged on the door, no one came to open. It wasn't like we lived far from her either - it's only a 10-minute drive. So mom and I went back home.
The next morning, mom called Norma. A woman's voice answered. My mom asked if this was Norma's house and if Norma was home. The woman said she's been living there for 15 years and asked if this was a joke. She also said there was no one by the name of Norma that lived in the house. My mom checked the telephone number again, it was indeed Norma's number. So I tried calling the same number, no one picked up. I tried a third time - the same woman picked up and said I got the wrong number.
A week later I ran into Norma at the supermarket. I asked if her mother in law moved in because whenever I called an old lady kept answering. Norma turned white in the face. She said she left to live with her mother in law about 2 weeks ago because her house was haunted. She told me about seeing an old lady walking around their house, whispering to herself then disappearing when Norma screamed.
She also said late at night, she'll hear the dishes banging or the water running as if someone was taking a shower. No one else lived there except her and her husband.
Norma hired movers to get her things out of the house and they live elsewhere but every time I drive pass that place, I get chills. Last I heard was that another couple moved in, then out right away and no one lived there since but some nights I'll see a light in the attic on when I drive pass.

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