Sunday 29 May 2016

Ghost puppy

When I was in second grade I had been gifted a porcelain baby Jesus figure. I didn't think much of it until i was 14 and we had redecorated my room. My desk where the doll was, had been moved to across the room, facing my bed. At night I'd get creeped out with the doll staring at me so i had started to turn it around so it wasn't facing my bed. Every morning, when i woke up, it would be facing me again. This continued for months before my cat knocked it over and beheaded the doll. The nuns and my mother all thought it was a miracle and that God was watching over me. All I know is that it gave me a bad feeling. Another time almost a year later, we had to put our dog down (she had cancer) we had recently gotten a new puppy and my parents had taken to bringing the new puppy upstairs to sleep in their bed room. Now i grew up watching crime and ghost shows, and I would stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning, my (first) dog would always walk upstairs with me cause she knew i was afraid after i would watch it, especially when i was the only one up. So the puppy is in my parents room with my parents and my brother is asleep in his room. I turned off most of the lights, and had turned on the hall light to go upstairs to my room, and like always before her death my dog would be waiting at the bottom of the stairs to walk me up. A couple of times i had though the puppy had gotten out and she needed to pee, but when ever i got to the bottom of the steps the dog i saw would be gone. there was no place for the dog to go but up, and i never heard the patter of the dog feet going up the stairs. This continued for most of the summer, until my brother started to stay up with me. i was the only one that saw her.

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