Sunday 26 June 2016

A New Guest

Location:Arizona United States
I always sit around in the guest room on the computer. I have spent the last week cleaning it since I pretty much trashed it. After I packed everything into the closet, I started to vacuum the floor. The door behind me was closed, but I could see, from the corner of my eye someone dressed in tan coming up behind me. I turned around and there was nothing there. (note: I was four feet away from the door so it couldn't have escaped my vision)
A few minutes later, I was vacuuming again, and the vacuum stopped suddenly in the middle of the room, like it had bumped into something. This happened frequently over the next few minutes.
That same day, I was sitting in the chair, on the computer. All of a sudden I felt a presence behind me, but I convinced myself nothing was there. After an hour it was still there, and hadn't moved an inch. The second my dog came into the room, it disappeared. I also sleep in this room because I find the bed more comfortable than my own. So, when I got into the bed and got comfortable, I felt my skin crawling. I got out of my bed and checked for bugs a few times, but nothing was there. The feeling finally stopped, when I got my dog to lay at the foot of the bed. This leads me to think that the presence is afraid of my dog.
I also like to keep the desk organized, so I stack books and tapes and anything else, evenly on the shelves. I would leave the room to get a drink, and when I came back they would be messed up again. And when I am in the room next door, I can hear sounds, like items being moved, coming from the room, but the objects that should make the sounds, are not out of place.
Sometimes, when I feel something lurking about in this room, I ask it to go away, but it never works. Afterwards, I feel pretty stupid that I am most likely talking to air.
My family are the only people to live here, since the house is only about 26 years old. There is no research to be done on this house, and as far as I know it was built over old farm fields, but no one remembers much else. There is nothing suspicious about the landscape, but friends I have in the area, who have houses the same age, have paranormal things happen in their homes too.

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