Sunday 26 June 2016

Ghost Soldier

Location:New York United States
Every since I was a little kid in california, I've always seen, heard, or felt weird things. When I got older I looked back into my past as a child and decided that everything I had seen, was just my overactive imagination. But I was wrong, I started to discover a whole other realm to all these happenings. Just like a lot of people I know, I constantly see things out of the corner of my eye. I thought that was normal but whenever I passed by a cemetery or some building or certain area, I always got these feelings that weren't of my own.
I would feel angry, then sad, and then depressed or confused. Lots of different emotions poured into me when I'm around a lot of, well I guess you could say spirits or ghosts. I have many ghost stories but my most recent one is where I currently reside. I live on post in Fort Drum, New York. I've been seeing weird things in my room that were extremely strange to me, such as little balls that float along the wall. These balls come in different colors to, I've seen them like this fiery color or like the static from a t.v.
Also, every now and then I'll see something black crawl up my leg, or run across the ground and there about the size of a small cat. The balls I see are a little bigger than a golf ball. I've also seen a shadow pacing across the top of my lights in my room. But one day I was sitting at my computer and I felt someone standing behind me and I looked and there was a soldier in uniform standing behind me looking at me and seemed faint. I could see through him, he wasn't solid looking like the others.
The funny thing was I found out, a couple days after I saw him, that he was a soldier that used to live in my room, but he committed suicide out in his car. I had this guy's old room. Now I see things everyday in this room. I'm used to seeing things because you can see so much of something strange and then just get used to the fact that you can see things.
So I've been living my whole life with the unexplainable and I'm here, now, to ask why?, how? and is it normal to see things?

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